"NO! No no no, fucking no! God dammit you son of a fucking bitch game putting three of those fucking fat bois after I just fought fucking two of them?! DO YOU NOT WANT ME TO FINISH THIS DLC OR SOMETHING?!" yelled an incredibly angered Dark Souls player as the "You Died" message slowly faded in for the 20th time that day. A friend could be heard laughing away in the headphones as the player continued to rant and rant about how terrible the enemy placement was in the Ringed City DLC. The friend simply responded with "git gud" but the player was having non of it. With an angered sigh, he leaned back in his desk chair and said it was high time he took a break from the game. Just as the player had that, the screen on his laptop turned a solid white color. Odd, to say the least. Did the game crash? Did the screen inexplicably crack? Such questions were running through his mind before white light overtook him. . . . . . Moments later, a woman clad in a medieval like attire fell through a conspicuous portal into a room with a firm "clunk". "Aww... what the hell was... was... what?" Ember slowly stood, seeing a red colored... pony, a fairly normal looking dude, and someone also seemed to have just stumbled out of Lord of the Rings. That reference actually made Ember's head hurt quite a bit as the personalities and memories of both the player and the character slammed together into one entity. Kneeling slightly, clutching her head, she could barely make out all the exposition the pony, who could apparently talk, blurt out at them. Vague memories of reading a forum of some sort drifted through, but the current migraine pushed that aside. Though the pain was starting to subside, just in time for the pony to finish. "If you haven't seen my video, my name is Rockin' Strings. Yes, I'm a pony. I can do some magic but I'm more of a strategist than anything else. Who wants to go next?" the red pony "Rockin" said, finishing up. Ember looked at him with tired eyes, the name repeating in her head. "Rockin Strings...? Are you fucking kidding me? A red freakin pony named Rockin Strings summons me and whoever the hell these guys are to accomplish some... thing... gahh my fuckin head..." she thought to herself, irritation building up. "Okay okay, wait just a moment... pony... I'm used to going after vague objectives that will somehow make things move forward, alright? But if there's one thing I regret from my time as the Unkindled, is not stopping somebody and asking what the hell is going on. So.... What the hell is going on? In as much detail as your horse brain can manage, please." Ember asked, now standing again, arms crossed.