[hider=Luke Interview][i][u]An Interview with Lucas Schwarz[/u][/i] [u]Question 1[/u] [i]What is your favorite food?[/i] [b]"Aaah... starting off with a hard one. I like a lot of stuff, and "anything my mom has me help her with making" is a cop-out answer... If I had to pick something from home, I'd probably go with Mochi. It's a great dessert."[/b] [u]Question 2[/u] [i]What is your favorite color?[/i] [b]"I've always been fond of green. A Forest-y kind, like Gratia's Jacket or Lauren's eyes. It reminds me a little of the forests back home."[/b] [u]Question 3[/u] [i]Do you have anything you enjoy watching the most on TV?[/i] [b]"Dragonball. Dragonball, Combat Sports of any form, and Vytal reruns. They're the only things April and I can watch without fighting over the remote."[/b] [i]And when on your own?[/i] [b]"I'm not revealing my power level that easy."[/b] [u]Question 4[/u] [i]What scares you easily?[/i] [b]"My sisters."[/b] [i]No family.[/i] [b]"Gratia."[/b] [i]No friends.[/i] [b]"... Probably failing someone who needs my help. Failing myself sucks, yeah, but getting someone else hurt because I'm not enough is immeasurably worse. Believe me, I'd rather fail myself any day of the week."[/b] [u]Question 5[/u] [i]Any specialties aside from the ol’-fashioned fighting?[/i] [b]"It's already a stretch to say fighting's one... Well, my only saving grace, academically, used to be Math, but at this point... diligence? This is me making a serious go at things, as hard as it may be for people to believe. The work's gotta be put in, and I'm not backing down."[/b] [u]Question 6[/u] [i]Who do you consider closest with you as of now?[/i] [b]"Interestingly enough, I would say Gratia. At times it feels like I'm roped into more nonsense with her than my own team."[/b] [u]Question 7[/u] [i]Who would you like to get closer to in your team?[/i] [b]"Bianca. I'm typically no good at reading people, but even I can tell she isn't letting me in on everything that's bothering her. I want to help."[/b] [u]Question 8[/u] [i]Who would you like to get closer to outside your team the most?[/i] [b]"Veronique Pressman. I don't know how the hell she knew about me, but if nothing else, I owe her a thank you for sending us those cruise tickets."[/b] [u]Question 9[/u] [i]Any nicknames from your childhood?[/i] [b]"Er... No, none that I can remember."[/b] [u]Question 10[/u] [i]Do you have a crush on anyone?![/i] [b]"Aha... No. I can't deny that I'm absolutely surrounded by attractive women with ...[i]mostly[/i] great personalities, all of whom I really admire, but I couldn't foist those feelings on any of them. They could all do much better than a guy like me. And, for what it's worth, I've never been in love before anyway, and I don't believe that's changed.[/b] [u]Question 11[/u] [i]Do you have any secrets you can share to those you won't tell for a long time?[/i] [b]"... There are things that I don't believe to be my place to speak about freely. My story, despite my efforts and beliefs as a youngster, doesn't just pertain to me. That needs respecting, especially from myself."[/b] [u]Question 12[/u] [i]Is there anyone you wish to see right now?[/i] [b]"Professor Cirsium. I owe her an essay and she owes me today's tutoring session... ...I'm actually already late. Oh man..."[/b] -Interview End!-[/hider]