[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Standing before the Master and Servant, she appeared. Wrong wrong wrong. Death, no, worse than that. To face that was something he knew to be wore. He didn't know what exactly, he didn't know why. It made no sense. This was a servant, it was something that was similar to him and yet this feeling. It was no overwhelming predator, it was no unfair disparity akin to the dread a peasant felt confronted with a knight. [color=9e0b0f]"Master!" [/color] His voice rung out carrying enough emotion to make the blade that materialized in his hand shudder. No, don't fight it, don't confront it. This was not a matter of a fight. What was it? He didn't.. he couldn't. No, he didn't want to be here. He who faced the rejection of humans, the demonetization of his name and the unkind hand of people, who accepted his deeds and moved on from such a past now shuddered in the wake of this unknown. [color=9e0b0f]"We need to leave... now."[/color] The blade in his hand was proof of his legend, proof of his curse, proof of that which shaped him. But in this case the idea of raising it seemed foolish. His hands, clammy from sweat, was white was bone with their grip on the hilt that seemed to cause a creak of protest. He didn't know if it was from his bones or the blade. Even with this... [color=9e0b0f]"We should run from this servant."[/color] [center][img][/img][/center] It was another servant. That was obvious enough from his sight alone, and from how fast she came. Even a normal person without eyes like his could've been able to say that she wasn't a normal human. But why then was Berserker reacting so strongly? It was enough that he could feel the anxiety himself, the fear. It was a "pain" that he could see, a vortex that swirled within Berserker as the presence of the girl bore down on them. Master's Clairvoyance, or so Berserker called it, the servant having explained it, and a few other things in the Grail War as they walked to Shinto. Came in as he laid his eyes on her. Her parameters were higher, but that shouldn't have been the cause for a reaction that strong, right? He took in a breath. Sh was weird. No signs of real scars or pain on her. Yet she obviously wanted to fight, she looked forward for it, she came to fight whatever brought that flash of light. Well, they weren't her target... and maybe there was a way to keep it that way. [color=a187be]"Hey, you. Heh, well, sorry to disappoint, but the feeling is mutual. I wanted to see what made that light during the night. We trekked all the way over here just to see, but ah well, I guess we should've just gone to the Church."[/color] He let out a half-hearted laugh. Toshi's eyes glanced between his servant and the girl, unable to decide on a focus, while his body hunched over a bit, back and head lowering. Looking at Berserker he already knew he didn't like the feeling of this. If she could just go away, if she could just leave them alone then. He wasn't ready to fight, not yet. The idea was something he accepted but without the ritual of visiting the church it felt off. But such a regular and controlled baptism was hardly a thing he could ask for in a war. He finally settled for laying his eyes down on the girl. With a louder voice and a straightening out back he tried to get more comfortable. Although, his head continued to hunch downward. [color=a187be] "So, you're looking for a specific servant? What makes him special anyway? Well, you'll probably not be able to find him if you talk to us too long however."[/color]