[center][h1][color=red] FULL [/color][/h1][/center] [center][color=silver][h1] [url=https://discord.gg/7vnBuyq] Discord Chat ! [/url] [/h1][/color][/center] [center][color=silver][h1] Premise [/h1][/color][/center] Powered people always existed. Since the beginning of time there were super-powered heroes and villains. There are many theories on why people developed superpowers. Some called it evolution, others a mistake and some even said that it was the hand of God but everyone agrees on the fact that there are both a blessing and a curse on humanity. In the year 2026, the best and most well known heroes of the world gathered together and formed " The Collective ". The world largest group of heroes. Villains soon formed their own group to counter The Collective, called " The Dozen ". The world was safe until the year 2028 until a deadly virus hit humanity, targeting only super powered humans. Nothing worked against the virus as it was always adapting to anything medics tried. Even heroes/villains with healing abilities got infected and soon died like the rest. The Plague that hit humanity diminished the number of super powered people to a very small number. Only 1% of people that got infected with the Plague survived the contact with the virus and became immune. In October 5th the year 2028, Earth was invaded. Aliens attacked and without super powered persons to defend humanity, they won the war against humanity and enslaved it. The few super powered persons left on Earth were soon hunted down. Using a [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/c/cb/Slave_Collar.png/revision/latest?cb=20090103165653]collar[/url] that disable their powers even super powered persons were enslaved. [center][color=silver][h1] The start of the story [/h1][/color][/center] The RP will start inside a slave prison where the characters will be freed by (my) character (I say my character due to her power for now, but if someone with a better power comes along, I'll let that person take the role of freeing our characters). The location of the story ? A city in America that doesn't exist called Daria. Our characters will form up to become The Resistance. Beside the usual super powered fights, there will be a little "resource managing" spin, where our characters will have to vote on how will they spend their RP (resource points). Examples of RP usage : making new homes for freed slaves, building a lab in order to study alien weaponry etc. Also. Our character will come from different backgrounds (heroes and villains). I will require for every character to have a "nemesis", that will be played by another roleplayer. Basically, everyone will have an enemy they will hate but that they will have to learn how to work together. The nemesis of each character is yours to choose from persons that will join the RP. Note : There will be no characters that "walk the line". You are above it or under it. Of course, your character can be a hero like The Punisher that kills bad guys but is in general a good person, that would make him/her/hir a villain, even tho' he/she is a good person. [center][color=silver][h1] History of the War (WIP) [/h1][/color][/center] [hider=WIP] [/hider] [center][color=silver][h1] Alien Database(WIP) [/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Troops] [hider=Skits] The [url=http://detroitduchess.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/skitter.png]Skits[/url] are the most common troop of the aliens. They are faster and stronger than humans and they always travel in packs of 4 to 6. Their skin is covered by an exo-skeletron that is as strong kevlar. It is to be known that Skits do not like a fair fight and they will try to flank you while others attack your front. Their legs are strong and allows them to jump up to 4 meters in height and can also break a person's body is pressed upon their chest. Skits are armed with [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/3e/41/8c/3e418cbbebd98b4ec09d9f3ead93d079.jpg]goo [/url] launchers that spit a goo ball. The goo is highly resistant and will cover a person's body in order to capture them. Goo can withstand temperatures up to 300 C degrees but when subjected to cold (under 0 C degrees) it will break. After the war Skits can be seen as prison guards and hunters. 1 RP needed to unlock more information about Skits (weaknesses and history) [/hider] [hider=Behemoth] [url=http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/12479420_953549248074890_1645108292_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTIwNzM3OTE5MTE2MzYxMzIxNg%3D%3D.2]Behemoth[/url] are the guard dogs of the aliens. 4 meters tall and a weight that goes over 350kg. Behemoths were used as walking tanks in the war and now, they are used to guard locations deemed important by their overlords. A special skill of the Behemoth is that they can change their body temperature to exceed 150 C degrees and 'thus burning any attackers that attack them from behind. Their main weakness is that while strong, they are not very intelligent and without a collar around their neck, they become feral and attack anyone in sight. 3 RP needed to unlock more information about Behemoths (weaknesses and history) [/hider] [hider=Wisps] [url=https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/73af9014667115.562875c2e7831.jpg] Wisps [/url] are the spies and scouts of the aliens. Small (around 20 cm) and very agile, they are used to scout dangerous places or subdue attackers quietly. The body of a Wisp has the ability to eliminate a small noxious gas that puts the one that inhales it to sleep in a matter of seconds. 6 RP needed to unlock more information about Wisps (weaknesses and history) [/hider] [hider=Bloaters] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/67/87/61/6787612b5a0259c0d9c19729004be4ad.jpg]Bloaters[/url] are humans that have been heavily modified genetically by the aliens. They are now a walking bomb that when explodes releases acid. The aliens used the human genome to create these creatures only to stir psychological stress inside those that watched them. Also it made humans to delay firing upon a creature that looked human, especially if these creatures looked like someone they knew. 2 RP needed to unlock more information about Bloaters (weaknesses and history) [/hider] [hider=Raiders] [url=http://orig14.deviantart.net/d083/f/2016/184/6/4/alien_concept_design_by_piaobubu-da8n6gv.jpg] The Raiders [/url] were used in the war, as their name implies, to raid enemy locations and were even used to overcome locations deemed too dangerous for Skits. On the field of battle they come in three different forms. One form that act as advance scouts/assassins because of their ability to cloak, another one is used a front line melee fighter using a not yet understood technology to create blades that are transparent but are harder than steel. The second type has armor made by the same tech that creates the blades. Finally the third type is a range fighter, using a plasma weapon(picture will come whdn I get home) this fighter is not to be taken lightly. The plasma is burning at around 150 ° C, basically burning throught skin and bones very fast. A frontal shot is deadly. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Leadership] Not much is known about the alien leadership as only one of their numbers were seen and that by simple luck. [hider=Overlords] [url=http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptrobots/2013/furio_t/furio_t_02.jpg]Overlords[/url] beside their apparent height of 2,3 meters, nothing is known about the Overlords. Encounter needed to unlock more information. 5 RP needed to unlock more information about Bloaters (weaknesses and history) [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Technology] The aliens technology is quite different than our own. The aliens are focused on genetic manipulation than what we human have. The prison camps, the buildings they use and most of their weaponry are made of a living metal that has the ability to reconstruct itself after some time passes. The Bloaters are a good example of the aliens focus on genetic manipulation. [hider=The Prison Collars] The Prison Collars are one of the only technology that aren't biological in nature at all. The metal that's used to make the collars is not found on Earth but from basic research done on it, it is similar in a way with gold as it isn't magnetic active, similar to diamonds as it's highly resistant to most forms on damage and it works without any sort of battery, basically having unlimited power. When the collar is put on a host it takes some blood from the user and then it creates a sort of symbiotic relationship between the collar and the host and if taken off the host experiences seizures and 99% of the time they die or so it's thought as no one was able to find a collar on a living host. How the collars stop the use of powers in super powered persons it's yet unknown as nothing indicates that the collar could influence the genes that make the super powered person's powers not to function. The only theory is that the collar itself carries a version of the virus that while it cannot kill the host, it simply removes his abilities for the time he wears the collar. The only thing that is 100% certain about the collars is that all collars emit a sound that cannot be heard by humans that acts as link between the collars and a central command or so it is believed. [/hider] [/hider] [center][color=silver][h1] CS [/h1][/color][/center] [hider=CS] Format the CS however you like and add whatever you like but don't remove what I wrote. Please :) Name : Alias : Age : Gender : Allegiance : Hero / Villain Image (anything goes) (will require 2 images, one with the costume(optional if your character doesn't have a fancy hero/villain costume) and another without it) : Written Description ( optional )(can be used instead of Image) : Power Set (only one power per character) : Background story (where was your character born ? How did he become a hero/villain ? How did he escape the aliens (make sure to mention that he/she was found by scouts and brought to base camp) : Nemesis (the alias and username) : Nemesis's story (how did they meet ? who won ? etc. This should be coordinated with the player that is your nemesis) : [/hider] [center][color=silver][h1] Rules [/h1][/color][/center] 1. Standard guild rules apply. 2. The language in IC doesn't matter much but in OCC, keep it clean. 3. Anything is allowed (as romance) until cloths go off, then either fade to black or go in PM. 4. An equal number of Heroes and Villains is required. [color=ed1c24]5. [color=ed1c24]Powers that are not allowed in the RP : [/color][list][*]No reality warping powers [*] Immortality powers (no aging,super fast healing(like Wolverine) etc) [*] Shapeshifting (this is mostly allowed but with heavy restrictions) [*] No time-traveling/changing abilities [*] More to come if needed. [/list][/color] 6. CS will first be posted in OCC then moved, upon approval, onto CS section. 7. Mention people in your posts ! [center][color=silver][h1] Players [/h1][/color][/center] Heroes : [@Timemaster] as [color=silver]Portal [/color] [@FantasyKitten] as Dream-scape [@KabenSaal] as Ignis [@LostDestiny] as Annabelle Costello [@Afro Samurai] as Andre Briggs Villains : [@GeneralNox] as The Kineticist [@Infamous Empath] as The Infamous [@BlackPanther] as The Host [@Silentsniper211] as Ollie [@dabombjk] as The Red Demon