Muse nodded at Nautilus, impressed at how quickly he caught onto things. “Yup! NPC’s don’t have the same staying power as player characters. I mean, all characters sort of fade out of existence once their creators stop thinking about them, but since NPC’s usually only have minimal importance in the overall story, and aren’t very well fleshed-out as characters, they really are the dimmest stars in the sky. No, wait, that sounds racist, now that I say it out loud.” He backpedaled. “Well anyway, if they don’t have a reason to be around, especially if the player characters are doing more important things, it makes sense that you wouldn’t see many NPC’s around.” He explained. “And then, it’s also conceivable that even player characters would be a bit scattered if the roleplayers find themselves a bit too… distracted by other things to roleplay.” Muse really didn’t want to think about the third possibility – that Godmodder had stopped by to personally remove some characters from the story. Fortunately though, there would probably be more corpses lying about if that were the case… Still, that bratty little ‘god’ sure was fucking the place over in more ways than one. “Oh! Anyway!” He turned to face Jacklyn again. “If you’re not from here then you’re a roleplayer and if you’re a roleplayer then I really should explain some things to you even though it’s a little late for that and you’re probably already really confused…” Muse rambled. “I’ll try to make this quick, on account of you being late to the party.” He took a deep breath. “This is a world made out of roleplays from Roleplayer Guild. Pretty much all active roleplays and the characters within them all take on life here, in this collage-like realm where all these different settings lay next to each other with really no transitions between them, resulting in a world where time and space don’t make a heck of a lot of sense. Anywho, all was well in the land till this douche we call the Godmodder showed up and decided to crash the Guild site, resulting in what was weeks of downtime I think? – screwing this place up in all sorts of ways while he decided to drag a bunch of roleplayers – that being you – out of their world and into this one for god-knows-why, while a weird little shapeshifter – that being me – started running around, gathering a bunch of you guys together and teaching you how to survive in this world so that maybe we can all stand a chance against this guy. …Did you get all that?”