I appreciate you reviewing the characters again [@JBRam2002], as I am not approving any until the entire party is ready and sorted itself out. On another note, [@Gordian Nought], [@Cu Chulainn], [@JBRam2002], [@Zverda], [@Big Dread], yes one can be resurrected as aasimar after their normal, initial death. A slight twist on the Reincarnation spell of old, but mostly something that is only relevant to those with a spark of light in them. Not all people have it, thus few are ever returned to life again for a second time. No less, not every aasimar is such an individual and the majority are just those who have a Celestial touch of heritage from long, long ago. Not to say if you die you get a free resurrection as an aasimar, there's a few stipulations about that as [@Gordian Nought] knows for his character, but it is an option if you find someone with tremendous power over the aspects of the Kingdom of Light.