Wolfe noticed some tension in the room but didn’t pay it any mind. Instead he decided to tell Tristan everything, at least everything he could remember. “Full disclosure?” He asked, glancing towards Natasha, then shrugged. “Well, back in 2014 I was stationed in Afghanistan, Kandahar. During the deployment we came across a site covered in dead bodies, near a dilapidated temple or mosque I’m not quite sure but it was old. We cleaned up the site and egressed out. We came back later that day, only….” Wolfe trailed off a bit, remembering the G-man and the conversation he had with him. “There was this man, I thought some sort of government spook or contracting recruiter, he talked to me about my skill set, history and wanted me to work for him, though he was vague on the details- I turned him down.” Taking a breath he continued: “We set out a few hours before dusk, the LT was acting funny ever since we got back to the F.O.B. Like, not himself, at all, I wonder if that had anything to do with it…. I do know he wanted to see the bodies we brought back…” He shrugged again. “We landed and the LT wanted myself, and Hirsch to go with him.” He narrowed his eyes, “When we got to the bottom of the temple we noticed the temperature had increased exponentially. What we saw was around seven or eight people surrounding a women, who was crucified, she was in front of a large red pulsating crystal. There was one man in the middle, leading a chant, with the others repeating in tow.’’ He took a breath. “What happened next is kinda blurry, we took cover behind a fallen pillar to see what was going on, but the LT kept walking toward the group, like he was entranced or something. That’s when I noticed this sword…the man in the center of the half circle was holding it, he made in incision from the naked women’s neck down to her pelvis. A moment later she began screaming erratically, and that’s when a large, black, muscular arm with four inch claws on the fingertips began pushing its way out….” Another shrug. “I didn’t hesitate, I blew it to hell with a 40mm grenade. The sword landed near me, and I think it has some sort of power, because for some reason, it felt like it wanted me to pick it up, and when I did…it felt…warm? Familiar...?” he cleared his throat. “After I snapped out of it, I noticed the LT, injured, limping his way to the crystal that was beginning to pulsate harder now. I tried to stop him, but when he touched it, the crystal exploded and I got caught up in the wave…” He trailed off, his voice became a bit shaky, but he cleared his throat again-this was the hard part. “Now…. Hirsch said he woke up in the temple when the team found him… He said one minute he was in Afghanistan on top of a mountain in a temple…the next he’s in Russia.” He shook his head, and ran a finger over the white streak in his hair. “Me…on the other hand…. I went somewhere else,” Wolfe struggled with the words, he didn’t want to believe it, but the nightmares are too real anymore. It didn’t sound believable. ‘Fuck it’ he thought. “Look I am going to be honest, I have no clue what happened, and I may be wrong but… I think… I think I went to hell…” He trailed off, the looks both of them were giving him made him think he may just be crazy, no…. he was there… had to have been. “I feel like…I was there longer than just a few moments…even though I can only remember moments… my body feels older, I have the dreams that I think are memories… I really don’t know, but something happened to me…” He trailed off. “That’s all I know, I am not sure if it’s any help though."