Adeline let out a snort as Alice and Alec had their usual back and forth. Dinosaurs being unleashed upon the crowd - no, she'd seen those movies and they were all clear indicators that the public in close proximity to any attractions not meant to be enjoyed up close was bad, bad news. She nodded when Alec requested that she try to appeal to the crowd again and she did find herself sympathising with the man - she, too, felt helpless and a little frustrated with the lack of higher level personnel present at the scene. She was sure she'd sent an emergency notification to all, yet she had gotten no reply. It was unusual. But not nearly as unusual as what happened next - gas came pouring from the gates, heading towards the crowd at a slow, but hungry pace. Adeline gasped audibly - where was it coming from? What sort of gas was it? "Activate all security protocols." she barked immediately to her artificial companion, which immediately complied, only to return no more than a few seconds later with a message she dreaded: "It would appear that my access to security protocols has been restricted by an unidentified party." "What?" was all she could mumble as the crowd pushed further back into the park, some resuming their angry shouts and threats. "It's not coming from any of the attractions." Adeline answered, her brow furrowed. "And it would appear we're as trapped here as the rest of the crowd."