[hider= A Short Sirius Interview] [u]Question 1[/u] [i]What is your favorite food?[/i] Anything salty or sweet, preferably both at the same time. Chocolate malts are my favorite even though I'm kinda allergic and not supposed to have them. [u]Question 2[/u] [i]What is your favorite color?[/i] Black! It goes with almost anything, and, well, let's just say I have some positive associations with it. [u]Question 3[/u] [i]Do you have anything you enjoy watching the most on TV?[/i] Lingerie shows. I know it sounds strange, but the designs are always so inspiring...I watch a lot of weird animation too, but it's not really my thing. I mostly sit through it because it distracts Datura enough to let me cuddle her without fear of immediate and painful retaliation. [u]Question 4[/u] [i]What scares you easily?[/i] You mean in my day-to-day life? Hmm. I guess it'd have to be the idea that I'll fall behind everyone because of my "disabilities". They're not that severe, but the frustration tends to build up over time. [u]Question 5[/u] [i]Any specialties aside from the ol’-fashioned fighting?[/i] I spend much of my free time sewing, but anyone could probably have told you that. Lesser-known hobbies of mine include swimming, which I discovered as a part of physical therapy, and piercings. That one was picked up from Soot. Don't tell him I know about his corset hoops. [u]Question 6[/u] [i]Who do you consider closest with you as of now?[/i] I haven't really had a chance to socialize with my team for very long yet, if that's what you wanted to know. There are many specific points in my life where I could have answered easily, but things are uncertain for now. [u]Question 7[/u] [i]Who would you like to get closer to in your team?[/i] If I had to choose just one, probably Yue. Krys is probably going to end up very popular with her personality, and I can see Skyra having a few very close "blood-sisters" eventually. I'm a little worried about Yue, though. She feels...closed. It's hard to explain. [u]Question 8[/u] [i]Who would you like to get closer to outside your team the most?[/i] Don't act like you don't already know ~ [u]Question 9[/u] [i]Any nicknames from your childhood?[/i] Very, very many. Shooting star, Little Blue, B&B. Oh, and Mistress Mutt from Datura, but I think that one was sarcastic. [u]Question 10[/u] [i]Do you have a crush on anyone?![/i] A few little ones and one BIG one. [u]Question 11[/u] [i]Do you have any secrets you can share to those you won't tell for a long time?[/i] Let's see...a minor one, just to satisfy your curiosity of course: my "parents'" money is actually mine. Well, most of it anyway. It's from land sales in Vacuo made by a business that I inherited. The reason it was a secret was because that side of the family tried to have me disowned. [u]Question 12[/u] [i]Is there anyone you wish to see right now?[/i] My mother, I guess. I'd at least like to know what she looks like and I've seen everyone else recently. Well, almost everyone. [/hider]