Don't have shit to do tonight, so I figured I'd join in. [hider=Oswald Interview] [i][u]An Interview with Oswald Connoly[/u][/i] [u]Question 1[/u] [i]What is your favorite food?[/i] [b]"Steak, medium rare. Needs to have some give to it."[/b] [u]Question 2[/u] [i]What is your favorite color?[/i] [b]"Black. Yes, I know, so dreary. I prefer something with a little sheen to it, though, like Onyx or Obsidian."[/b] [u]Question 3[/u] [i]Do you have anything you enjoy watching the most on TV?[/i] [b]"I don't really 'do' TV."[/b] [i]There has to be something.[/i] [b]"I only ever watch the news, and even then I prefer to get it through my Scroll or a paper."[/b] [u]Question 4[/u] [i]What scares you easily?[/i] [b]"Death. But not my own. No, I'm afraid of having to keep watching everybody around me be maimed or killed while I come out of it fit enough to fight within a week or two. I'm afraid that my life will just be reduced to watching everybody around me die while I stubbornly cling onto life."[/b] [u]Question 5[/u] [i]Any specialties aside from the ol’-fashioned fighting?[/i] [b]"I'm decent on a forge, and I could probably survive a few weeks given just a weapon, as long as I'm not in some shithole desert."[/b] [u]Question 6[/u] [i]Who do you consider closest with you as of now?[/i] [b]"I'll assume you mean at Beacon. That would have to be Diamond. Despite her personality, I know I can trust her. Everybody else, save maybe Emerald and....Cobalt...I doubt I could trust them."[/b] [i]Trust them with what?[/i] [b]"Everything."[/b] [i]Care to elaborate on that?[/i] [b]"Nope."[/b] [u]Question 7[/u] [i]Who would you like to get closer to in your team?[/i] [b]"I would have to say Emerald, I suppose. I doubt Cobalt's coming back, and Diamond and I are about as close as can be expected after a few weeks."[/b] [u]Question 8[/u] [i]Who would you like to get closer to outside your team the most?[/i] [b]"That would have to be Sapphire Rode. For no reason other than some deluded sympathy or something, she's decided to try to befriend me. It's different than the cool distance or pity I'm used to."[/b] [u]Question 9[/u] [i]Any nicknames from your childhood?[/i] [b]"Ozzy. Oz-boy."[/b] [u]Question 10[/u] [i]Do you have a crush on anyone?![/i] [b]"I'm not sure, really. Sapphire's piqued my interest, but I'm not entirely sure if it's purely academic or...deeper than that."[/b] [u]Question 11[/u] [i]Do you have any secrets you can share to those you won't tell for a long time?[/i] [b]"I basically just told one of my teammates my life story just recently, but...I don't think I could bring myself to open myself to someone like Sapphire or Shiro like that. They're good people, I'm sure, but that level of vulnerability is...unsettling."[/b] [u]Question 12[/u] [i]Is there anyone you wish to see right now?[/i] [b]"Cerise. She's like a sister to me. She [i]is[/i] a sister to me. It's only been maybe a month and a half and it's like I've had a chunk of my soul ripped out of me. The chunk that makes me want to care. That makes it easy to get up and deal with this shit every day."[/b] [i]She sounds special to you.[/i] [b]"She's been with me for as long as I could remember, and now she can't come along because I couldn't protect her. Unless you want to give a new central nervous system to a teenage girl who hasn't used her legs in the past two years, that is."[/b] [i]Interviewee immediately left, declining any further questioning.[/i] Interview End. [/hider]