[color=silver][b]Name:[/b][/color] Katherine [color=silver][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Kat [color=silver][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=silver][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=silver][b]Species:[/b][/color] Werewolf [color=silver][b]Powers/skills:[/b][/color] Stronger and faster than most humans, keener senses of hearing and smell as well [color=silver][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] She can't swim, and she can be pretty dense sometimes [color=silver][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Friendly, loyal, good listener, can be a bit forgetful at times [color=silver][b]History:[/b][/color] (I'll think of something later) [color=silver][b]Other:[/b][/color] She has a strange obsession with collecting every glass shard she sees. Seriously, she has broken windows before just for glass shards. Also, she has a soy allergy [color=silver][b]Appearance(s):[/b][/color] [img]https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5079/7218526848_10016671cb.jpg[/img] [color=silver][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Flowers, trees, grass, animals, and just nature in general [color=silver][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Water, loud noises, and cemeteries ([color=pink][i]"Seriously, why do humans feel the need to bury dead humans in the ground?"[/i][/color]). [color=silver][b]Romantic interest:[/b][/color] None [color=silver][b]Last rule:[/b][/color] Have fun [color=silver][b]Current Location:[/b][/color] City of Humans