[center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/43c2b357cf1a12a9b0a58db756d5934a/tumblr_nppo1lKH9A1r57ixdo1_1280.jpg[/img] [sup]An image of the Juran Escort Corvette[/sup][/center] [b][u][color=gray]The [i]JSBF Silent Sentinel[/i][/color][/u][/b] The ship waited, thrusters still at full burn. No response was recorded; nothing changed. By any means, it appeared that the ship hadn’t broadcasted anything at all, and there were still well over three thundred incoming entities on an intercept trajectory. Abruptly and silently, all point defense turrets opened fire, releasing easily over a hundred rounds per turret, each of them layering at least ten rounds per incoming interceptor. The railguns targetted the larger craft hanging back behind the interceptors, likely bombers or heavy fighters of some kind; with a 9-round burst from each turret, the small patrol craft spit out enough ordnance in 10 seconds to lay a small city to waste. [hr][color=gray][b][u]Inside the CIC of the [i]Silent Sentinel[/i][/u][/b][/color] Su’Talra paced back and forth in front of the holographic map depicting their ‘battle.’ If only he had missiles… [i][/i] asked the shipmaster, a plan forming in his mind to ensure his survival. [i][/i] replied the resonanting voice of the slightly smaller female officer.[i] [/i] Su’Talra remained silent for a long moment, watching the small icon that represented the brief 20-second burst of fire from all his turrets. It was hardly a third of the way to the incoming interceptors, having fired nearly two minutes ago, but the rounds would impact shortly. Still, though, their motherships might have more interceptors, or ship-to-ship weaponry on board. [i][/i] The officers on the bridge were… unsettled with the unorthodox attack, but notheless did what he said. All surveillance drones were top-of-the-line Juran Ark Federation technology, using the latest passive and active sensors, electronic warfare modules, and sensor scramblers. It could fly invisible, or it could fly to appear exactly like an asteroid. Cut off normal communications in an area, send and receive messages, and more. Because of the advanced technology used, it’s considered imperative that none of it reaches the hands of its enemies- and so inside each drone is a small 40-pound core, right next to the pressurized and cloaked hull that contains the drone’s batteries and its black box. Inside the 40-pound core is a 15-pound containment core, 24-ish pounds of titanium armor around the outside, and 20 grams’ of antimatter held suspended inside the containment field generated inside the core. The twenty pounds of antimatter is enough to annhilate the entire drone, and the area around it. Using them as makeshift missiles was definitely plausible, even if you could produce sublight antimatter missiles for about a third of the cost of each drone. Suddenly, the Communications officer piped up. [i][/i] The officer, knowing what Su’Talra would ask, had already transferred the message to the holographic plot. Reading over the official orders, he inwardly frowned- he was looking forward to surprising three enemy warships with antimatter. Nonetheless, he had orders and a new commander. [i][/i] As the CIC officers scrambled to do his bidding, Utility piped up. [i][/i] snapped Cu'Ylleri. [i][/i] Truly beside himself now, Su’Talra physically swiped at the holographic display, snarling. Unable to process the command, the floating holographs just flickered red for a moment. The shipmaster wasted no time in responding, snarling, [i][/i] He saw for himself as the purple-neutral icons went enemy-red at the same time Utility called that they were preparing weapons. [i][/i] With that, the corvette disappeared in a flash, having left behind only a single salvo to impact the incoming starfighters. Within half an hour, it’d regroup with the two destroyers that were en route. Shortly after that, the three ships will meet up with the much, much larger 3rd Fleet, which will drop out of warp to wipe the offending aliens out of space. [center][img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/004/771/783/large/drock-nicotine-x.jpg?1486138558[/img] [sup]An image of the Juran Carrier[/sup][/center] [b][u][color=gray]CIC of the [i]JSBF Third Harbinger[/i], Carrier-Flagship of the 3rd Fleet, Intersteller Warpspace[/color][/u][/b] The carrier’s shipmaster and Fleetmaster both had two different rooms: the CIC- Combat Information Center- was reserved for the shipmaster and his ship, while the FIC- Fleet Information Center- was reserved for the Fleetmaster. The Fleetmaster was one of few particularly high-ranking Admirals in the Juran Spacebourne Navy, and a veteran of over fifty years of combat- having joined into a town’s militia by the ripe age of twelve, and continuing on into a career ground-pounder. After a series of incidents, the gifted non-commissioned officer found himself in fleet school, and shortly afterwards, on the command track. 3rd Fleet’s Fleetmaster was a Juran of particular talent and skill, even as he was one of the lowest ranking Admirals. And in this case, he was also the calmest out of an entire fleet’s worth of shipmasters. The FIC had a dozen consoles, with only four of them within reach of the holographic pit in the center. Those four officers were rather straightforward- Executive Commander, or the Fleetmaster’s second in command, Communication, Fire Coordinatior, and Fleet Analyst. In this case, the Fleet Analyst officer had been replaced with a robot- Juran in all aspects but being of metal rather than flesh, with a quantum supercomputer with organic storage core in his chest rather than a brain in his head. The robotic Juran was one of five, placed among various positions near Admirals, both as an advisor in whatever form, and bodyguard. Fe’Sutakra, Fleetmaster of the 3rd, Admiral of the Fourth Class, Victor of Vilery’s Bay and Brawler of Boshtyk, stared at the constantly updating holographic display, as routed to him via [i]Silent Sentinel[/i]. A salvo was about to impact a series of small attack craft en route to the [i]Sentinel’s[/i] final position, and a total of nine battlecruiser-sized carriers, carrying those attack craft, were en route to a second alien force- one that didn’t appear to be backing down from the fight. The fight would’ve been maybe half an hour, an hour into it by the time he arrived. Neither force, even if they combined their numbers, could possibly beat his own, of that he was certain. Both of those forces were also being updated in real-time because of the two surveillance drones the [i]Silent Sentinel[/i] dropped right before it entered warpspace and began to rendevous with him. The Jura Fleetmaster crossed his arms, and waited silently for his fleet to arrive.