Alice stayed in the deathscythe looking out in the distance making sure no surprise enemy was inbound with a soft sigh she let out a baited breath things was odd to say the least she never would have believed the day would come where she would say she missed hte old missions she was assigned. Looking out she narrowed her eyes swearing for a brief second she saw a dark colored flash in the distance bearing resemblance to the gundam made by Trieze. It was here than that means the lightning count was here as well. Surely he would know what to do in a situation like this. Though before she could even open the radio channels it was gone leaving behind nothing but shattered hopes for her. With that done she quickly went back into the ship and opened the hatch to the deathscythe just leaning back thinking on what should be done. "Tis a pleasure to meet you" Edward said grasping the offered hand. "Not to sound contrived or that but like the greeks I come bearing gifts." He said opening the hatch to his larger than average shuttle revealing frame parts that was unfamiliar to him but to Elizabeth it was easy to tell what they were parts for a gundam frame lacking the torso sure but the head was in perfect shape as it could be all things considered. Ran into this scrapped gundam like mobile suit a while back and figured we take it along with us but sadly it would do use little good maybe you can find use for it. "Alas most was beyond saving beyond the head and a arm and leg though." He said as he looked the fellow captain straight in the eye.