Lol or you could just pull a Goblin Emperor and just have zero context whatsoever. Hey, if Katherine Addison can write a great novel that tells the audience all of jack shit and get a Locus Award for it, why can't we? [@Mercenary Lord] Nah man I've skimmed Beyond the Storms, you can definitely write description well and not have it bog things down. I think unnecessary and fluffy description comes from the fact that, since players put so much love and effort into their characters and the world they build, the first instinct can be to try and cram every last detail that was in their head into the writing, like they're narrating a movie scene that's playing in their brain. But like, writing isn't a visual medium, and it's a given that no matter what you do, you're going to have to leave a certain amount to be imagined in the reader's head, and it won't be the exact same as the way you'd imagined it. And description that focuses too much on the visual side of things especially is when it gets kinda fluff-feeling. Like that one character who has maybe three sentences describing physical appearance and posture and the general tone of the character on their sheet, but a paragraph-and-a-half describing their clothing and weapons, with zipper-color, shoulder pads, and multiple swords all given just as much attention as posture and face-shape.