Hiya! I know you are full and shite but if you don't mind taking a gander at my CS and keeping me in the back of your mind in case you become unfull, I would be down. [@olcharlieboi][@kreutzer] [hider=Sam][center][h3] Name: Sam Chester Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://s1.favim.com/orig/150711/anime-anime-art-anime-boy-anime-guy-Favim.com-2941040.jpg[/img] [/hider] Hero Outfit: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://www.herostime.com/image/cache/data/cosplay-costume/Superhero/Deluxe-Nightwing-Red-Robin-Superhero-Cosplay-Costume-CCS119-240x320.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Sam has a very bright but cheeky personality. His smart mouth has often gotten him into trouble, but he never loses the cheery look in his eyes. The only time he ever shows any type of random extreme emotion is when talks of his brother rise. Quirk: Cloning = Sam is able to create fully solid, fully bodied clones of himself. The clones are created by departing DNA from his body, be it spitting or bleeding or any other method. The physical abilities of each clones is determined by the type of DNA each clone is created from. So if Sam spat on the ground, a clone would quickly come into reality but its physical abilities would not be very good. If Sam was to cut himself and will a clone from his blood that dripped on the ground, the clone's strength would be measured by how much blood was used and would be stronger than the spit clone. The limit of clones vary on his mental state, meaning that if he is being mentally weak or scared shitless to the point where he could not move creating a clone could be impossible. If he is so motivated and so full of confidence, Sam could create many clones but again is limited based on the DNA source. Backstory: Well this is a story all about how Sam's life got flipped turned upside, so I would like to take a minute just sit right there, I wanna tell you about how - lol just kidding. Sam was playing in his back yard when his quirk manifested at the age of four. For the past two days he had been overtaken by a slight cold and had been stuck inside with his doting older brother watching over him like a hawk. His brother Dean knew Sam hated to be indoors this much, and snuck him outside to the backyard to play a little when Sam looked like he was starting to recooperate. Sam sneezed, and with snot flying everywhere in front of him this was the moment his quirk manifested. As Sam stood up and began walking to the other side of the yard, a single clone of Sam appeared created from the snot. The snot clone went inside, alarming his parents for they did not know he had been taken outside. Then, moments later, Dean walked inside carrying the original Sam, and everyone lost their shit mostly in a more suprised but mostly good way. His parents were both decent level heroes, nothing that shined on the front page of the paper but they were good at what they did. His mother had the power to create projections, and his father had the power to duplicate parts of his both by externally like limbs and internally like organs and molecules. His parents were thrilled, while his brother was not. His quirk was the same as his mothers and was slightly jealous of Sam. He felt cheated somehow, like he got the raw end of the quirky stick, and a few years later he began his life of crime. Sam was deeply hurt by his brothers choices and vowed he would become a hero so he could defeat his brother and show him the error of his ways. Supporting Characters: Verdock Chester - Sam's silly and comedic father/ Mary Chester = Sam's slightly serious and stern mother/ Dean Chester = Sam's criminal brother [/h3][/center][/hider]