[hider=Robert Interview] [u]Question 1[/u] [i]"What is your favorite food?"[/i] [b]"A 10 oz wood-grilled peppercorn sirloin with a side of steak fries. It's what my dad used to make when I was younger."[/b] [u]Question 2[/u] [i]"What is your favorite color?"[/i] [b]"... Green? Yeah, green. Like my hoodie."[/b] [u]Question 3[/u] [i]"Do you have anything you enjoy watching the most on TV?"[/i] [b]"I don't have a TV."[/b] [u]Question 4[/u] [i]"What scares you easily?"[/i] [i]The interviewee's eyes go wide, staring right at the interviewer as if the mere thought of his largest fear was capable of sending him running from his seat.[/i] [b]"Spiders."[/b] [i]"Wait, really?"[/i] [b]"Have you ever looked up close to one? With their beady little eyes and those sharp fangs. They're completely soulless beasts and that's coming from a ginger."[/b] [i]"You face death from Grimm on an almost constant basis and you're afraid of tiny arachnids?"[/i] [b]"My answer still stands."[/b] [u]Question 5[/u] [i]"Any specialties aside from the ol’-fashioned fighting?"[/i] [b]"Hmm..."[/b] [i]"..."[/i] [b]"..."[/b] [i]"Hey, that's my watch! Where'd you get that?"[/i] [b]"Your wrist. Duh."[/b] [i]"But how?!"[/i] [b]"You weren't watching your stuff very well."[/b] [i]"Wait, is that my scroll too? And my wallet?!"[/i] [b]"You really need to do a better job of keeping tabs on your valuables."[/b] [u]Question 6[/u] [i]"Who do you consider closest with you as of now?"[/i] [b]"Priscilla of course! I hope we never get separated again."[/b] [u]'Question 7[/u] [i]Who would you like to get closer to in your team?"[/i] [b]"Grane. Compared to Trad and Sand, I don't think he really likes me. If possible, I'd like to change that."[/b] [u]Question 8[/u] [i]"Who would you like to get closer to outside your team the most?"[/i] [b]"Hmm... Sapphire? She's the only one on Team Swansong I haven't really interacted with... Unless you count that incident with the towel."[/b] [i]"What incident with th-"[/i] [b]"Moving on!"[/b] [u]Question 9[/u] [i]"Any nicknames from your childhood?"[/i] [b]"The Hood."[/b] [i]"What, like that one pickpocket that used to terrorize Vale for years?"[/i] [b]"Uhh..."[/b] [u]Question 10[/u] [i]"Do you have a crush on anyone?!"[/i] [b]"Yep, I love Priscilla more than anyone."[/b] [u]Question 11[/u] [i]"Do you have any secrets you can share to those you won't tell for a long time?"[/i] [b]"No, I think I'm pretty open and don't really have any secrets."[/b] [u]Question 12[/u] [i]"Is there anyone you wish to see right now?"[/i] [b]"Judging by my previous answers, I don't think you'll find it hard to guess who I'm thinking about."[/b] [/hider] Robert's in for a rude awakening once Parent Day's over and he has that chat with Priscilla.