(OOC: Since the Mad Jester is my now defacto second character, I'll post as him as if he's a main character.) The Mad Hell had left this plane of existence for moment leaving the Mad Jester alone in silence, his manic laughing fit now over, his existence now cloaked in silence. He was left alone feeling empty, but that was point, wasn’t it? Was God insane when he created the universe? Creating beings who can never find fulfillment in anything? Yes, was the answer, the Mad God, the one true God was insane, and he was glorious. It didn’t make the Jester feel any better about it though, the loneliness, the sense of unfulfillment, the rage, the seeing things that weren’t there, the voices telling him he’s useless. Oh, how he longed for the day when the Mad Hell consumed all of existence and his senses were rendered senseless. When all sanity and consciousness would be drowned in pure salvation bringing chaos. It would be like he never existed, like his youth never happened… like she never existed. Then, a voice spoke from the shadows, the voice of a woman, “brooding after one of your laughing fits again Jester? For a man wearing the garment of a funnyman you sure are a downer sometimes… Of course, Maxie, I could help you ease your pain.” “Hello Tara, or is it Cynthia, who am I talking to at the moment, the nymphomaniac or the sexual sadist?” the Jester remarked upon hearing his beautiful raven haired minion walk through the door. “Why don’t you come and find out?” responded the woman, “you seem like you might like it either way.” At that the Jester began shaking before bursting out laughing, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA….” The Jester calmed himself, “I might just take you up on that offer my sadistic Tara. Why are you here my dear? It must be urgent to take you from your chambers torturing… Who was it Helga?” “Helgi, my lord, the Barbarians’ wife, I skinned her alive, strip by strip except for her pretty little head. What erotic noises she made as she screamed. Such a beautiful wallflower, not really enough woman for such a big man. I hope to show him how a real woman conducts herself,” Tara responded visibly turned on by the memories of her torture victim. “I wonder how the noble beast will react to the many surprises we have for him. He’s such a famous warrior of such great renown, a slayer of dragons, frost giants, vampire, orcish clans, and every type of villain man or beast, for a price of course. I wonder how he’ll take the bad news that everything he values is a lie? But enough my Tara why have you come?” the Jester spoke with a demented smile on his face? “The minions are awaiting your command oh mad one, it’s about time you speak to them and set in motion your plan,” the olive-skinned beauty responded with her seductive voice. “Oh yes,” said the Jester, “YES!” The Mad Jester got up and motioned for Tara to join him. They walked for a while down winding hallways and many chambers before standing on a platform overlooking a sea of creatures which stood in the very spacious caverns of hell like Ghost Deep Cave. They were of every race and gender, and their gibbering voices and screams could be heard everywhere like a horrifying chorus. There were gnolls, and humans, orcs, goblins, trolls, elves both dark and light, dwarves, oni, ogres, lizardmen, minotaurs, banshees, ettins, giants, bogies, bogarts, alps, cruels, hags, mad ghosts and demons. When they saw the Jester they all howled in a horrible unison, “hail the god of Madness, hail insanity, hail high priest Maximilian!” A large glowing orb was hanging from the roof of the gigantic cavern and was used so that when Maximillian speaks all of his minions everywhere hear his voice as a schizophrenic hears their own voices. Maximillian spoke, “my brothers and sisters in the light of Loki, as you know the time has come. We of the religion of the Mad God have now amassed an army strong enough to conquer a nation! Our army comes from you, the faithful and from the demons of the 666 Hells in which the Mad God has been given access to from the God of Evil himself, as well as the mad demons from the Mad Hell. We have waited and watched from time immemorial as this world has descended into madness and we have spread our message and amassed our numbers until we finally have reached this moment. No longer do we just destroy nations, now we will own one of our own! From that point on the map we will descend upon the great continent and give the denizens of this world two choices. Convert to the religion of the Mad God or die in an unspeakable fashion and be condemned to the Mad Hell for all eternity. One way or another we will dominate the minds of the people, and whoever dominates the minds of the people also dominates the mind of the creator! So, to my minions here, and my minions abroad poised for conquest, I say LET IT BEGIN!” The Jester began to cackle uncontrollably but it was drowned out by the horrifying roar of the crowd. The warriors abroad ready to march on their targeted nation began their attack.