Redd considered reattempting sneaking up on the bugbear, however, he realized that there was a much larger world outside of this cave. This bugbear was small potatoes, besides how tasty could something with "bug" in its name be. A devious smile spread across his face when the bugbear described humans. If they are lords of his world, it must be because they have the best blood. And they was nearby. He started to consider how he was going to extract some of this precious fluid from these dangerous beast. The word "trade" made sense in his mind, he knew what that word meant. He looked around, and realized he didn't have anything to trade though. There was a rock, but he had an understanding that a rock was not as valuable as the material he sought after. It seemed as his best lead was this "Sebu" fellow. Perhaps he knew how to get blood from these bigger people without much fuss.