In the works [hider][center][h2]Enju Hirasawa[/h2] [img][/img] [b]Age[/b] 15 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Height[/b] 5ft [b]Weight[/b] 95lbs [b]Arcana[/b] Justice [h2]Personality[/h2] Enju is a hot-blooded girl who acts as if she is a superhero who has the duty of protecting others from danger. She is a highly energetic girl who can not sit still. She always is in a bright mood and sees everything as one big playground. Enju is jolly around every person she knows or meets and never seems to be sad or down from hurting or painful moments. Enju is always the one to lighten up the mood with her talking. Enju can be very teasingly when people feel most uncomfortable but she doesn't like to be teased herself, she can talk about dirty things all day long to tease others but she has no idea what she is talking about most of the times, when her words are turned against her and used it would most likely get her to be embarrassed. Holding her hand would get her shaken from embarrassment. [h2]Backstory[/h2] Enju grew up in a small town close to Shikatsu, there was a school with about one hundred students on it from all different ages, classes consisted of about ten students each making them all know each other very well. Especially if you are a loud obnoxious young girl it wasn't hard to make friends at all. During those few years she attended this school she got somewhat more interested in the quieter people in her classroom. It didn't work out like she hoped it would, after having received quite some harsh words not to dig into her business and all she felt a little less prideful. It helped Enju know her place however, she didn't approach the girl named Blair like anyone else she knew but with some more caution not to say stupid stuff. It didn't take long after having properly met to become besties. They sat together each lunch break and talked about the most trivial things you could think off. After school they would mostly go home together too to play some games at home, eat sweets together or do stuff outside. It was always a blast. After becoming a little bit older her sense of justice has been increased by a ton from reading her books and manga about superheroes and all those tv shows. Her eyes twinkled from excitement each time she watched her show or saw a policeman in uniform. Off course she wanted to be just like them since she was still a child. It had gone a bit too far however when she tried stopping a thief that had stolen from a store. Just like any other child she tried doing what she had seen numerous times by her favorite heroes. She had swung her skateboard his way which he didn't really like. The guy had thrown a quick swing at the girl her face breaking two milk teeth and giving her a bloody nose in change of her attempt to hurt him. During that time she was strolling around with Blair that stood by her side while she was hurted. Enju stood up however and jumped on his back biting him as hard as she could. In the end she had distracted the man long enough for the police to arrive and to send him off to the bureau. The police had fulfilled the request she had to drive in the back of a police car together with Blair and given them both some free ice cream. It was one of the better memories to remember. [b]Equipment[/b] A fake plastic police badge Hairclips Perma marker Handcuffs [b]Skills[/b] Jiu Jitsu Detectives eye Running Loud talking [h2]Theme[/h2] [youtube][/youtube] [hr] [h2]Persona - Bishamonten[/h2] [img][/img] In Japan, Bishamonten, or just Bishamon is thought of as an armor-clad god of war or warriors and a punisher of evildoers. Bishamon is portrayed holding a spear in one hand and a small pagoda in the other hand, the latter symbolizing the divine treasure house, whose contents he both guards and gives away. In Japanese folklore, he is one of the Seven Lucky Gods. [h2]Traits[/h2] [b]-Reflects[/b] Fire [b]-Absorbs[/b] N/A [b]-Void[/b] N/A [b]-Resist[/b] Psychic/Mystic [b]-Weak[/b] Ice [b]Abilities/Skills[/b] Maragidyne - Deals heavy Fire damage to all foes. Fire amp - Greatly strengthens Fire attacks by 50%. Akasha Arts - Deals heavy Strike damage 1x to 2x to all foes. Arms Master - Halves HP cost for physical skills.[/center][/hider]