[quote]Just for a reference, Kiyohime is directly behind Adan, In full view of literally everyone in the building. So If Togami wants to make some tough talk... [/quote] It clearly comes off like your threatening to take action against Togami, and thus everyone in the room for an action that your master took that violated the rules that the guard was telling everyone who entered the church. To answer your first question: She is overtly protective of Adan and Togami just showed his hand. If Togami did anything at this moment, which he wont if things don't go wrong, then Kiyo likely would try to do something on behalf of her master. Second: She has no other weapons other than her dragon form, and perhaps her base level power as being a servant. Doing anything other than staring down Togami wouldn't resolve anything. Third is not a question and I can't answer whatever you're trying to say with that. I assume your saying that Kiyo turning into a dragon wouldn't solve anything which is quite obvious. If you're talking about Togami's power level he's the walking big stick that I can use as a gm to get rid of anything that would prove detrimental to the rp such as an unsolvable situation, or a dropped out player.