[img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Staff&name=Precious.ttf&size=40&style_color=15155E[/img] [center] These are the men and women who have taken it upon themselves to mold the youth attending Marchand. While they are instructors by name, and incredibly talented in their respective fields, they, as well as their methods of teaching, are...interesting at best. Madison Lewis Lovette Professor of Pyromancy and Magical Theory (played by EchoicChamber) (NAME) Professor of X and Y (played by ?) (NAME) Professor of X and Y (played by ?) (NAME) Professor of X and Y (played by ?) (NAME) Professor of X and Y (played by ?) (NAME) Professor of X and Y (played by ?) (NAME) Professor of X and Y (played by ?) (NAME) Professor of X and Y (played by ?) (NAME) Professor of X and Y (played by ?) (NAME) Professor of X and Y (played by ?) [/center]