[hider=Tzi Ti'amtum][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/M44hEBY.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Tzi Ti'amtum [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] At a height of 200cm tall and incredibly muscular, it is pretty common to see Tzi shirtless when not in academy uniform, baring his body to the world. Shirts aren't really too important to him, so one has to remind him every time he forgets to wear one. It's a source of contention, but it's almost impossible to change his opinion on them. [b]Bio/Summary:[/b] An energetic and forward youth from a barren archipelago in the North Sea, Tzi always enjoys a challenge, throwing himself head-first into any situation that strikes his fancy. It’s the reason why he was so willing to simply leave his island home one day, jumping into the salty surf to swim to the mainland where opportunities abounded. There, he drifted from ring to ring, fighting anybody who’d take him on for fun and profit. Sometimes he won, sometimes he lost, but his grinning visage, one that never disappeared no matter what trouble fell in his path, was imprinted on the minds of recruiters for the Military Academy, and soon enough, his martial talents were requested for a greater cause: the protection of the glorious Imperium. He didn’t mind. For Tzi, the chance to fight in the name of the Empire only signified excitement and wonder. Never one to shy from an offer (also explaining his frighteningly immense knowledge about all sorts of foodstuffs and how to cook them), he was inducted as a student into Cadenza, where it was hoped that his devil-may-care attitude and unshakable adoration for a good fight could be better channelled. So far he really likes the place, though people have been admonishing his tendency to throw caution (and his shirts) to the wind. [b]Vessel:[/b] When not active, Tzi’s [i]Retiarius[/i] actually consists of two items: a carving knife and carving fork lacking in decoration. They are typically used during meal times, but when called upon, the pair fuses and enlarges into a wicked trident, one with a small anchor attached to its rear, that instills fear into the hearts of seafood. [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Casting the Net[/i] - a net made of heavy magical fibres is produced by the [i]Retiarius[/i], usually shooting out of the trident’s length to catch and trap those unfortunate enough to be in its way (whether they be fish or Tzi’s foes). Escaping is particularly difficult due to the toughness of the net and its weight. [i]Catch and Release[/i] - the rear end of the [i]Retiarius[/i] is an anchor that can be launched at the environment and others to latch onto or wrap around them with a glowing chain, allowing for either rapid movement towards enemies or around the battlefield. [i]Backlash[/i] - if somebody is in contact with the [i]Retiarius[/i] or caught in its nets, any damage that Tzi experiences will be distributed between him and them. [b]Equipment:[/b] A portable grill; diary. [b]Trivia/Other:[/b] He is very well-versed in the cooking world (much to anyone’s surprise), but can be incredibly critical of other people’s cooking. He might’ve even been considered connoisseur if his descriptions were more flowery. He does however, have a stubborn streak over spicy foods (he likes them, but really can’t handle the spice). [/hider]