=======================(The Immortal Door Pt 2) [i][center][h1][color=#886f9a]L[/color][color=#9077a2]e[/color][color=#997faa]f[/color][color=#a187b2]t[/color] [color=#b196c3]T[/color][color=#ba9ecb]u[/color][color=#c2a6d3]n[/color][color=#caaedb]n[/color][color=#c2a6d3]e[/color][color=#ba9ecb]l[/color] [color=#a98fbb]G[/color][color=#a187b2]r[/color][color=#997faa]o[/color][color=#9077a2]u[/color][color=#886f9a]p[/color][/h1][/center][/i] [center][img]http://t08.deviantart.net/vtqZDeQeQeOA0KgQBnmxg-dIS_U=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre14/ab16/th/pre/f/2011/211/f/3/simple_divider_by_thesilvermist-d426gt7.png[/img][img]http://t08.deviantart.net/vtqZDeQeQeOA0KgQBnmxg-dIS_U=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre14/ab16/th/pre/f/2011/211/f/3/simple_divider_by_thesilvermist-d426gt7.png[/img] [sub]Collab with [@The 42nd Gecko] [@jasonwolf] [@Dervish] [@Captain Jenno][/sub][/center] [color=4DE474]"I do not think threatening of the bone-man is very effective. What has he to fear from you? You keeping his skull till you rust away? Life, and death too, I guess, is too short to make enemies."[/color] [color=00FFFF]"I neither live nor will die and I will not give into the demands of monstrosities."[/color] Noi added a stern finger point to his comment. [color=4DE474]"Very well, if only force will persuade, then I guess force it will be. I am sorry to do this, heavy metal friend."[/color] Jeige shook his head dissapointedly, [color=4DE474]"Vei, you get skele-friend his head back, yes?"[/color] Veitaru stuck her tongue out in response. That was a maybe, maybe? Regardless, Jeige then sprung forward, slamming into Noi. Noi was the heavier combatant by far, and quickly compensated for the push.. But Jeige had been expecting that, knowing the way things moved around their center of balance to correct themselves, and used that against Noi. Lifting one of Noi's legs up and spinning them around Noi's remaining leg, Jeige performed a belly to belly slam, landing on top of Noi against the ground, with head facing towards the skele-friend. Where Veitaru was somehow already there, disinterestedly holding the skeleton's head up, as though she didn't really care. Noi rumbled furious. He slammed his arms against the ground throwing himself upward and Jaege off him. Even if the hylian could topple him he couldn't keep him down. [color=00FFFF]"Do not tempt my patience hylian."[/color] Noi growled clenching a fist, [color=00FFFF]"Act against me again and I will be forced to retailiate."[/color] If Jaege did not stand between them Noi would likely attempt to recollect the skull from the small one. For now though Jaege had earned his warning. Lev, for his part, floated towards the young Gerudo and extended a hand for the skull. [color=teal]"Seems our friend is a bit cantankerous. Allow me to return the skull to our Stalfos friend over there, because if Noi comes after me, I can simply remain out of reach."[/color] he said kindly, knowing that Veitaru was brave beyond her years and the Poe rather she lived to see all of them. Noi was unpredictable and dangerous; turning on each other in this place spelled doom for all. Veitaru gave a glance back at Noi and then back towards Lev that spoke of the message 'Don't have to tell me twice' as she tossed the skull at him and bolted for the nearest cover. Jeige however, stood his ground. [color=4DE474]"Stand against being a good person again, and I shall be forced to discipline you."[/color] Mufasa opened his eyes, those small, burning spheres of green. "[color=#088A4B]Say, buddy, good to see you again! I'd shake your hand, but...[/color]" [color=teal]"And what lovely green incandescence you have!"[/color] Lev replied chipperly, giving Mufasa room to re-orient himself. [color=teal]"I trust the inconvenience didn't do lasting harm."[/color] "[color=#088A4B]Only to pride! And not [i]mine.[/i] Where was I?[/color]", Mufasa rolled the lights of his eyes into the back of his skull for a moment, a passing instant of dizzy thought. "[color=#088A4B]My sword, acting, bored by bravado, a solid minute of tediuous darkness... oh! Escaping, wasn't it? Flattery will get you anywhere, my ghostly friend, including out of this room![/color]" [color=teal]"Splendid! And here I was worried we would be quite aimless for eternity, you arrived just in time!"[/color] Lev said, taking liberal use of the flattery angle. [color=teal]"Now, the itinerary I've outlined; stone, lost friends. Could you show us the way?"[/color] "[color=#088A4B]Stone? That wasn't in my script. But if it's in here, I can help you find it! I know this place like I do the back of my...[/color]" Mufasa took a second to turn his hand around by the wrist socket, so it was facing the right direction. "[color=#088A4B]... anyway. To get through this here door, first you need to beat the room's boss - me! But there's a catch. Two catches, actually. First - I have to pick my opponent. And second... I wanna get outta here. It's dark, and dreary, and sort of wet? I don't like it.[/color]" Noi started to grumble quietly, but the noise built as did his anger. Not only had everyone trusted the monster, but they had turned against him to help it. Now it turned out the thing was some sort of master of the chamber. Noi knew he wasn't the brighest, but did the others really need the wisdom of Nayru to see this coming. [color=00FFFF]"And now the prime directive is known. You fools deserve this."[/color] Noi growled. Jeige offered out his hands, one in a fist over the other palm face up [color=4DE474]"So, we need to beat you, yes? I challenge you to rock paper scissors."[/color] Mufasa hesitated. Looked down at his newly corrected hand. "[color=#088A4B]That... is genius. I must warn you, though! I always win![/color]" He turned to Lev, and obscured his permanent, pale smile behind his hand, before whispering "[color=#088A4B]Because I always pick rock. Rock always wins.[/color]" [color=teal]"Either you're pulling my non-existent legs, or you're very out of practice at this game."[/color] Noi looked on massively confused. He had no clue what stone, parchment, and shears could possibly have to do with each other. Nor how they could be used to challenge someone to battle. Hiding his hands behind his back, Jeige began the countdown. [color=4DE474]"Rock paper scissors, shoot!"[/color] He surged forth his massive hand, in the rock positiion. Mufasa shoved his boney mitt out, too - fingers curled into a stone, just as Jeige's were. "[color=#088A4B]Haha! We favour the same strategy, then! But then again, is there any other?[/color]" [color=00FFFF]"They didn't even hit each other! This is the least effective form of combat I have ever witnessed."[/color] Noi held his hands before him motioning towards what he considered utter insanity. [color=teal]"Just let it happen, big guy. There's still plenty of smashing to look forward to, yeah?"[/color] Lev interjected, plucking his journal from his robes and scribbling notation. [I]Titanic struggle of wits against an adversary so diabolical and crafty that in life, he had led an army right to Hyrule Castle's gates....[/I] [color=teal]"Personally, I'm loving this."[/color] [color=4DE474]"Vei, I think he knows strategy too."[/color] Much like Mufasa had whispered to Lev, now Jeige leaned down comically far to whisper to Veitaru. [color=BE31F7]"It's not a strategy and it never WAS a strategy. It's a game of chance! Except when a boneheaded idiot only picks rock!"[/color] Veitaru hissed back. [color=4DE474]"Argh, well, you're a skilled opponent. AGAIN! Rock paper scissors, shoot!"[/color] Jeige again picked rock. As did the other, more literal bonehead. "[color=#088A4B]Hrm. Impressive.[/color]" [i]"[color=#088A4B]How did he master my ultimate technique?![/color]"[/i] [color=BE31F7]"PICK PAPER!"[/color] Veitaru wasn't even whispering anymore, her words clearly audible. [color=4DE474]"Vei, he can hear you, we should stick to strategy.. Again, rock."[/color] Jeige again turned his back towards Mufasa to prepare his throw and started the coundown [color=BE31F7]"It's not a strategy!"[/color] There were now signs of a struggle, as Veitaru jumped up and swishing fabric and flailing little girl limbs could be seen. [color=4DE474]"Ugh, Paper, Vei, you not as light as you once were.. Scissors.."[/color] [color=BE31F7]"YIELD!"[/color] [color=4DE474]"Shoot!"[/color] Jeige held forth his throw... Which was apparently, Veitaru, who had grappled her way onto his hand. [color=00FFFF]"This combat style gets even more confusing. How is a child a viable weapon? Then again it sounds more viable than parchment."[/color] Noi grumbled still thinking cracking the skeleton's skull more efficient. [color=teal]"I've seen my share of people tripped down staircases by children. They also go for the ankles."[/color] Lev interjected, not at all concerned about the chaos unfolding. [color=00FFFF]"What's an ankle?"[/color] Noi looked over at Rags. His massive metal feet were more or less fused to the lower leg because of the armor plates around them. Lev pointed at Jaege, and then to Mufasa, close to the ground. [color=teal]"That part where the foot goes into the leg. Kids love biting that."[/color] Noi attempted to look closly. For once the skeleton was helpful as his hinges were visible. [color=00FFFF]"But doesn't that location put the person at risk of a kick to the face? I'm strating to better understand why I was made for combat. The humans are lacking in comparison."[/color] "[color=#088A4B]Haha, rock![/color]", the skeleton rattled proudly, bosom metaphorically swollen, "[color=#088A4B]Rock beats child![/color]" [color=BE31F7]"Nuh uh."[/color] Veitaru eloquently countered. [color=00FFFF]"Wait now the little one is a part of the battle chant. This combat style makes no sense!"[/color] Noi roared holding his helmet. Mufasa squinted at Veitaru sternly, the glowing beads of his eyes narrowing into thin lines. A long silence passed, and then he shrugged his boney shoulders, shaking away the dust of eons in the process. "[color=#088A4B]Can't argue with that,[/color]" he surmised, before throwing his arms up over his head and wailing in anguish. "[color=#088A4B]Aaaaah! I am vanquished! Alas, these poor old bones are still too young![/color]", he stumbled back, body clattering to the ground, falling apart like the constituent pieces of a broken xylophone, until the only form he maintained was his torso, head and left arm. He clutched towards a sun they could not see, hand tremling, wrist weak. "[color=#088A4B]To have seen the stars... one last... ti...[/color]" Mufasa's head fell limply to his shoulder, as the green of his vision faded, burning out as the last ember does, leaving only the ghost of its glow behind. Then, a few paces behind where he had fallen, there was a new light. A soft autumnal shine, all gold and bronze, starting as a few sparks and rising in looping circles from seemingly nowhere. The light shimmered, and split, until it was a dozen lights, two dozen - a glittering curtain being whirled about in mid-air, chiming like fairy bells until, all at once, the veil was torn away to reveal a chest, built stout and heavy. Short, but ornate and carved from a beautiful stained wood. It was as still as though it had always been there, just out of view, somehow. Another silence ensued, and then slowly Mufasa opened one eye again. "[color=#088A4B]How was that? Good, huh? You bet it was.[/color]" Mufasa began clipping himself back together. [color=00FFFF]"Feigning death is more effective if you don't get up until we have left. That or you could begin the act after actually recieving a blow."[/color] Noi commented deeply dissapointed the skeleton hadn't stayed down. He trudged towards the chest prodding its side with his hammer before trying to lift it open. It gave with no resistance, as though it were spring-loaded, almost. The clasp, part of a beautiful frame made up of gold, still alight with the preternatural light which had preceded it, flicked up on command, and allowed Noi access to its contents as though it were his birthright. Inside, a blinding light shone, a square of white which rose and fell unevenly, and seemed alive with the same, faint bells that had marked the chest's coming. And deep inside that light, so deep that it was invisible until grasped and wrenched into the encroaching darkness it battled, was something heavy. And cold. [center][b]You got the Boss Key! Now you can go inside the chamber where the Boss lurks![/b][/center] A weighted, golden key. Dense, but balanced to lay comfortably in the palm. In its base, a ruby gleamed in the chest's fading light. But strangely, even once that light had died completely, the stone retained a peculiar sheen. Beautiful. Mesmerising. Noi grabbed the key as carefully as he could, such metals were weak compared to his own. Putting it to the side he inspected the rest of the chest to find it entirely empty. [color=00FFFF]"That is simply wasteful."[/color] He quietly noted before closing the chest and carrying it under his arm. In his free hand Noi picked the key back up placing it in his compartment before grabbing his hammer. Lev clapped his hand against the lantern, applauding with a series of clanks. [color=teal]"That was quite the spectacle. You should really consider leaving this place and getting into theater."[/color] the Poe said, leveraging himself so he could see what was in the chest when it opened. [color=teal]"You aren't bound to this place, are you?"[/color] he asked Mufasa suddenly, looking up at the reassembling Stalfos. Mufasa clipped his other shoulder back together, to shrug, before leaning forwards to reattach his hips. "[color=#088A4B]I'm not entirely sure! But I intend to find out. I'd rather be snuffed out at the exit than languish in this place much longer,[/color]" he reasoned. [color=teal]"That's, uh. Hm. Depressing. Let's hope you can enjoy the sun like the rest of us, I need someone else around who can't feel or smell what's so great about the summer... and to deal with dogs."[/color] "[color=#088A4B]Oof. Sun? Hadn't thought about that. I like dogs, though! I think. Do I like dogs?[/color]", Mufasa looked to himself, introspective. "[color=#088A4B]On one hand, I'm sure dogs would like [i]me[/i]. But maybe that's their greatest- nay, only- flaw. Hm...[/color]" [color=BE31F7]"Heh.."[/color] Veitaru smiled darkly at that prospect. [color=00FFFF]"I know not of these dogs, but I do know that we must continue forward. Idle chatter does not keep the darkness at bay."[/color] [color=4DE474]"Well, you have key now, so you are the one who can be of the keeping the darkness at bay, yes? By opening the door that we have access to that does not lead to firey demise?"[/color] [color=00FFFF]"Are your optics functioning? My appendages are occupied. Take the key open the door. I do not wish to risk losing this magic box."[/color] Before the argument could carry on, the Poe swooped in and snatched the key, muttering something under his breath as he headed off towards the exit. [color=teal]"We can stand here and bicker for eternity, or we can go find Felicia. I know what I'm doing."[/color] he said, slotting the key into the oversized lock and chain assembly, which promptly crumbled to the ground with a heavy thud. Opening the door, Lev didn't wait to see if anyone was coming with him as he drifted through the doorframe, his lantern lighting the way. Noi was more than ready to move on. He ran forward and got around Rags. He was the shield of Hylia and he would lead the charge. The last room had given him more than enough time to recharge and wanted to use it.