Sarah waved back to Kanoko as she approached, though gave her a funny look when she asked about her moves, in relation to 'programing'. "There is no 'program', it's all 'pilot ability'." she said, giving a look to the two Captains a moment, seeing all seemed well, motioned Kanoko to follow her. Sarah lead Kanoko over to her Gundam and popped the hatch, revealing, what was probably the strangest cockpit Kanoko had ever seen. "It's called the Mobile Trace system. In the simplest terms, it's a motion tracker, with almost zero 'input lag'." she explained. "It takes a certain level of physical training to use it effectively though, but when mastered, you can literally develop the reflexes dodge bullets, and beam rifles, and I mean 'you', alone, walking down the street to Burger King, could dodge a bullet, not 'you while piloting the Gundam'." Sarah stopped there, letting Kanoko process that little bit of information.