[@HereComesTheSnow] [B]Mindaro Mondays - [url=http://i.imgur.com/5Yg3CXc.jpg]Galla[/url][/B] "[color=DFFF00]Before your brother isn't 'in one piece'?[/color]" --- [@Ryonara][@Sho Minazuki] [B][url=https://i.imgur.com/XpL34KIg.png]Shuai Taidan[/url] - Beacon Grounds[/B] The young man tapped his chin thoughtfully, slender fingers slowing down to rest against his pale chin. "[color=ce2029]Sample platter?[/color]" he mused, eyes darting towards the stand for a second. "[color=ce2029]Don't think we have that, but oh, we can definitely do tuna and diet soda! What kind do you like? We don't have a too biggie of a selection, is that okay?[/color]" Taidan smiled brightly, the prettyboy's face radiating like the light from a fiery sun. "[color=ce2029]Var, get some tuna done 'kay~?[/color]" he called back over to his teammate, before returning his attentions to Yue. "[color=ce2029]Just sit tight and w- eh? Where you going?[/color]"