[@Infamous Empath] Thing is...I couldn't say anything about the virus it self because it's plot related. How only some super persons survived will be shown in IC (mainly arc two of the story). So he is either immune or he is dead. That's how I imagined the virus. Something super adaptable/mortal that was supposed to kill every super person. If interested on exactly why they weren't affected, hit me up with a PM and I'll explain. [sub](spoiler alert)[/sub] Also. As I said already, healing abilities simply didn't work on the virus. No matter how strong they were or their nature. [quote=Infamous] The Infamous only actually won one battle. During this conflict, he met Dreamscape again, though for her this was the first time. As they fought, D'ren came to admire her even more. Whenever The Infamous went out to attack someone with his power of invisibility, the Collective sent Dreamscape, usually backed up by another hero with a more aggressive power. On their fourth encounter, D'ren killed the man who was supposed to be protecting her. His super-strength was nothing compared to the ability to become invisible. The Infamous tried to kidnap her, having become infatuated with her, but she was rescued by other heroes. [/quote] That is exactly what I would've liked to at the nemesis bit in the CS :)