[center] [color=007236][h1][b]HUNTER CARTER[/b][/h1][/color] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Hunter Carter [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Place of Birth: [/b] Buckhead [b]Sexuality: [/b] Heterosexual [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Occupation: [/b] Doctor [b]Power: [/b] Hunter has Geokinesis, or the ability to Earthbend. Geokinesis is the psychic ability to move earth or earth molecules, including sand, rocks and minerals. Being able to control earth, Hunter can do a range of things, including create sinkholes, sandstorms, hurling boulders and creating landforms. There are a few levels of his ability. The lower the level, the simpler the ability, the less cost involved. Here are the levels: 1 ~ Simple things like creating and hurling boulders, creating earth shields, creating sinkholes and quicksand. 2 ~ Small sandstorm (0 - 20234 metres squared) 3 ~ Large sandstorm (20234+ metres squared) 4 ~ Simple landforms, like caves or a house for two people 5 ~ Moderate landforms, like a house for 6 people. 6 ~ Larger landforms, like a small mansion. Quicksand and sinkholes require the assistance of his sister Jezebel, but not always. With the assistance of Jezebel, the cost is lower. Sandstorms require the assistance of his sister Alia, but not always. With the assistance of Alia, the cost is lower. [b]Cost of powers use: [/b] The cost of power depends on the level of power for Hunter. The longer he uses his level 1 powers, the higher the cost. Here are the levels: 1 ~ Energy, but only a small amount. 2 ~ Energy, and a rather significant amount if used on his own. He could possibly pass out if he hasn’t eaten. If used with Alia, the energy level will only amount to a level 1. 3 ~ Energy, and a significant amount if used on his own. He will pass out with the possibility of haemorrhaging, depending on the size. He will wake up 12 hours. If used with Alia, the energy level will only amount to a level 2. 4 ~ Energy, and such a significant amount, he will pass out, including light haemorrhaging from his nose and mouth. He will wake up after 24 hours. 5 ~ Energy, and a significant amount of it. He will pass out, including moderate haemorrhaging from his nose, mouth, ears and eyes. He will wake up after 36 hours. 6 ~ Energy, and a significant amount of it. He will pass out, including heavy haemorrhaging from his nose, mouth, ears and eyes. He will wake up after 48 hours. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/cf02ccab1b47c87d3b9a9fc2efc13c98/tumblr_inline_nedbx2vPz61sotm55.jpg[/img] Hunter is a tall, sturdy looking man, with green eyes, and dark brown hair. He is roughly 6’5”, and weighs 194lbs. He has broad shoulders, and an athletic build, but he’s not that big in terms of muscle. He’s not beefy. Hunter is just sturdy-looking, and seems grounded. He always seems to have a 5 o’clock shadow. His hair is cropped close to his skull, making him look younger than he is. His green eyes are more like a green crystal, rather than a green gem, and seem to sparkle when he smiles. He has a dimple on his cheek that is only visible when he is truly smiling, which is how you can tell whether his smile is fake or not. [b]Skills:[/b] [u]Medicine:[/u] Hunter has medicinal skills. He learnt how to identify herbs, and make concoctions to help heal a person. He also went to medical school to learn about medicines, and how to diagnose a patient. [u]Archery:[/u] Hunter is skilled in archery. Learning how to hunt as a young boy, Hunter had to learn how to use a bow. [u]Self-defence:[/u] Hunter learnt how to protect himself growing up. He actually learnt how to box, so that he could look after his younger siblings if they needed protection. [b]Personality:[/b] Hunter is a calm, responsible person. He is always the more mature one, being the eldest of his family. He is surprisingly stubborn though, and can act rather immaturely if his stubbornness gets in the way. He is friendly, yet cold at the same time. He can befriend you, but he won’t trust you, unless you prove to him that you can be trusted. He is brave, always looking out for his younger siblings, always protecting them. If you mess with one sibling, you mess with them all, so be prepared. Hunter will never go into a fight without analysing the probabilities first, but if you mess with his family, all caution is out the window, and you’ll have to deal with a furious Hunter. An angry Hunter is a scary Hunter. He is smart to begin with, but scary Hunter is even smarter. He’s not foolish, and will never be foolish in any fight. You need to be very careful when you’re facing an angry Hunter. He’s unpredictable. Hunter is only truly warm when he’s around his brother and sisters. If you compare Hunter with his friends to Hunter with his siblings, you can see a major difference. When around his siblings, Hunter is sweet, kind, understanding, and gentle. He is always incredibly nice, and would do anything for them. That doesn’t mean he acts like a slave though. If they step out of line, Hunter has no problem with putting them in their place. When around his patients, Hunter is sincere and friendly, but there’s always that cold wall that he keeps up. He doesn’t want to get close to them, as anyone can easily turn against you, even if they’re your friend. He understands this concept, and protects himself with whatever measure he can. Hunter has a set mindset, and it is hard to change his mind. It is hard for him to say that he is wrong. When he does apologise, he does so reluctantly, looking like a perturbed school kid, rather than a 28 year old man. It is in these instances that he acts immaturely, but then they’re so rare, you don’t realise he has an immature bone in his body. Hunter likes to play games, especially with his siblings. He is always asking riddles that they must answer, and each time someone answers correct, he does something for them. He loves reading, archery, writing and learning. He believes that knowledge is the key to everything. [b]History:[/b] Hunter grew up in Buckhead, the eldest son of farmers. He grew up on a farm, waking up early, going to school, looking after his younger siblings. He grew up with responsibility. Hunter had two childhood friends he could consider his best friends, one male, one female. They went through elementary, middle and high school together. Reaching high school, Hunter fell in love with the female, and they decided to date. Unknown to him, the female was in love with his other best friend, and vice versa. They went behind his back for two whole years, until nearing the end of the school year, one day before graduation, Hunter found out about them. Furious, and humiliated, Hunter cut all ties with his two best friends, only to be comforted by his brother and sisters. He realised at that point, that outsiders will never be truly there for you. You can only rely on yourself and your family. Even then, he considered his extended family as people he could rely on. It was when he was twenty that he found out you can only rely on your intermediate family. He found that his extended family were taking money from his parents, making living harder for them. He confronted his extended family, and they all made up excuses. They never helped his parents in return, and that made him angry. He learnt archery since the age of eight, and boxing since he was 12. When he was 21, his mother died from cancer, and when he was 22, his father had an accident with horses, and was crushed underfoot. [/center]