[color=FF1aef][b]Asmodeus[/b][/color] It was strange, to see such a figure walking down that path. A dark figure, bearing such imposing armor, a knightly form without a steed, discharging bolts of electricity every now and then. Had she not been alone, or had her helm hung on her belt, it would not be out of the question for anyone to think a Dark Lord was coming to claim the town. How many would even try to stop her if she was? Asmodeus had forgotten how long it was since she first stepped out of that tomb, that underground dungeon she first woke up in. It had taken her quite a while before realizing she was hungry. She had been gnawing on random lizards she had electrified before finally finding this lush land of green. Now she gnawed on only the fat lizards. It was certainly a step up from the skinny lizards. At the very least, even if she had no answers to her questions, she knew where to find good food. Her hand snapped to the hilt of her sword, as a voice echoed in her mind. A voice, familiar yet foreign, but lacking something. Something she had always associated with a voice in her head. What it was she did not know, but call for her it did, and so she must answer. With a single fluid motion, she snapped the helm from her belt and onto her head, fastening it securely before sprinting down the path towards the town. Even running at full speed, it took a while for her to reach the town gates, and even more trying to find where the graveyard was. There were some that looked concerned the moment she flew in, but most paid her no mind, writing her off as perhaps having one too many drinks. Several scared children afterwards, she finally managed to find an old man willing to direct her to the graveyard. The graveyard seemed empty, but she approached it carefully nonetheless, unsheathing her sword as she looked cautiously around. There was an opening just a few metres away, but she was loathe to approach it without knowing why it was she was called here.