[center] [h3][color=HotPink]Evan[/color] [color=gold]'Sunshine'[/color] [color=HotPink]Smiles[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/t3gEonL.png?1[/img] [h3][u]City A :: Evan's Shop/Home[/u][/h3] [@chukklehed][@Polaris North] [/center] [hr] [color=HotPink]"Thank you, come again!"[/color] Evan decided to focus on his business for the past week after neglecting it for quite some time. His shop has the potential to become extremely popular, especially with the children. Unfortunately, he didn't have any kind of business plan to build upon. Resulting him to have a rather small, yet loyal fanbase. His shop alone doesn't generate that much money, so he relies mostly on his paycheck that he receives from the Hero Association. He wants his shop to be successful one day, but bringing back Lily comes first. [color=HotPink]"Break time!"[/color] With the last customer gone, Evan decided to do an occasional check up on a Grace. Hopefully, she wasn't blowing anything up or causing any kind of mischief upstairs. Last thing he wants to do is clean up the mess she causes while customers were present. Evan stepped out of the shop for a moment and hurried upstairs into the apartment. The two have separate rooms which are roughly the same size. Although, Grace's room was formally a modified closet which stored materials and products for Evan's shop. From time to time, Evan would playfully tease her about living in his closet. [color=HotPink]"Grace! If you are there, then follow the sound of my voice~"[/color] He called out, expecting her to respond.