As the digimon appearing human told indirectly who she was, it clicked in Vivian head. He heard a giggle start up as Viv face turned into a surprise. He looked back at his partner who was grinning at him. It was clear Candlemon didnt mention anything on purpose. Wanting to see the human reactions and get a bit of fun for himself. Impmon was just a bonus to the candle amusement. The human coughed in his hand to regain some of his surprise. [color=f7941d]"My apologies mam, I ... they didnt say a word about it. Thank you for you help.." [/color]Viv explained, trying to not give the digimon a reason to tease him even more. He was now torn between asking if all digimon can look huma and to wonder which human are secretly oversized spiders.... His father would probably explode if he ever asked him about this strangeness. At the idea of splitting Viv nodded. [color=f7941d][color=f7941d]"I dont mind it either, there shouldnt be much problems. Candlemon you okay with that?"[/color][/color] Viv asked and the Candlemon nodded and started to jumping into a direction ahead of the others. [color=f7941d]"Good I am not the only one eager to do this job."[/color] Vivian commented to himself, turning to the other two digimon tamers. [color=f7941d]" Well see you Yumeko and Rachel later. " [/color]With that said Vivi ran after his partner to catch up. Definatly not wanting to be left behind in this strange looking village.