[center][color=a187be]Luna D. Dharc[/color][/center] [center][@LuckyBlackCat][/center] Luna was giggling with delight having caught her first pokemon in this new region when a little pokemon had wandered up and was glaring at Eclipse. [color=a187be]"A... A Jangmo-o..."[/color] Luna's eyes were sparkling like stars, she had only seen pictures of this unique dragon type back at her home region but to see one up close made her day even better. The little dragon wasn't alone though, a trainer was right beside it, darn it... She really wanted to befriend it, but the sign of a trainer and the lack of spare pokeballs made that impossible. [color=fff200]"Sorry about Kymbalon here. Anything she thinks is an opportunity for a fight, she'll take it."[/color] The little dragon certainly had its eyes on Eclipse, feisty little pokemon. [color=a187be]"It's ok... Eclipse is a little banged up... So I couldn't battle if I wanted to..."[/color] Luna said in a quiet tone. [color=a187be]"I'm Luna... I just arrived here from Unova..."[/color] She said holding a hand out for a handshake and using her other hand to hold onto Eclipse. [hider=Luna]TP: +1+1(interacted with Cici)(4) Pokemon: Deino(Eclipse), Male, Lv5(+1)(not official caught) Flabebe(Rose), Female, Lv1 Inventory: N/A Rank: Beginner Organization: N/A[/hider]