[quote=@Devil] [color=Limegreen][b][u]Approved[/u][/b][/color][list] [*]Xavier Bloodbayne - Xavier Bloodbayne [*]Dias Blade - Dias Blade [*]Keileon - Jason [*]Drifting Pollen - Lyra Gwynn [*]DocDocter - Gonad Yaksplitter [*]Melonhead - Thomas Kent [*]LeeRoy - Shin Zhou [/list] [color=Yellow][b][u]Pending[/u][/b][/color][list] [*]Darth - Caius Aurelio [*]Liasion - Odis Lyndon Gallagher [*]Tasuke - Atsukawa Hisame [/list] [color=red][b][u]Rejected[/u][/b][/color][list] [*]Metal Tortoise - Ultron [*]AtlasRize - El Tirano Oscuro [*]JorudanSama37 - Tsubasa Onabe [/list] [color=Silver][b][u]Withdrawn[/u][/b][/color][list] [*]DLL - La Màquina [*]Geraven - [*]Albatross City - Pawn [*]Tezcatlipoca - Rey de la Oscuridad II [*]Everett - La lluvia [*]Nagatosmk - Lobo Negro de las Cinco Llamas [/list] I am going to announce the permanent barring of Dirge, Albatross, Metal Tortoise, and Demon Lord Laser in any TZ capacity or anything I run specifically. [/quote] The salty seas of the dead seas have just received a dash of pepper.