Orb sighed. He turned to the roleplayer. "What he's trying to say is..." he began. "You've been sucked into the guild. There's some evil douche we call godmodder, we have powers in the guild like transformation and making things appear, et cetera, Muse as we call him" he pointed to the fellow who had been talking earlier "Is basically an expert on these things." he quickly moved closer to Jackyln and whispered "But he might not be okay in the head..." he moved back to where he had been standing before. "So... uhh, grab all your stuff. We best be on the move. No time for questions, we can answer them as we go... One more thing, i'm Orb and that's John, Kid number 2, don't know what that guy's name is, think someone called him Natalia or something earlier" as he pointed at them in that respective order. He began to walk at a brisk pace. He shifted his backpack to make it more comfortable. "C'mon, let's get going i'm starving. This place is bound to have food somewhere."