Kevin 'Liam' Lachowski. [img][/img] Age: 20. Personality: Kevin is an outgoing and blunt male, telling people what they [I]need[/I] to hear instead of what they [I]want[/I] to hear, though he may do it in a much harsh way accidentally or on purpose. He's inpatient, and hates waiting around, often saying things are taking too long even if it's been a minute which can be seen as one of his faults. He's sarcastic as well, which leads people away from thinking he's nice and not lying at times, but it really isn't something he can control so he just shuts up when he knows it gets too be too much....By his standards. He comes off as a hard ass, and a daredevil....He believes only the latter to be true, only because of stupid shit he's done in the past, and for the fact that he'll do anything that can risk his life despite the survival rate being low or high. Despite his seemingly lack of caring, Kevin does have a bit of care for human (And animal) life not liking to see those who, by his words, "Never deserved it.", dead. He also tries to talk to people when they're down, to try and cheer them up or take their mind off of whatever is keeping them down, though if the person has ever saw how much of an asshole he seemed like they probably wouldn't open up. Biography: Kevin grew up with his father, who was a cop. His father was somewhat distant when he had free time, Kevin assumed it was due to his mother dying giving birth. The most him and his father did was go to a shooting range a couple of times, where Kevin learned to use a pistol, then how to handle bigger guns. He was then, at the age of six, sent off to live with his grandparents in which his grandmother worked as a cook and his grandfather a technician. He was told that he was sent off because his father was becoming too busy, working late nights, and mostly all day which he thought was a loud of bull even at age six. This caused him to become more honest to people, thinking his own father and grandparents lied to him, but he had become blunt due to it. As he grew up, he helped his grandfather with cars and motorcycles, and at age sixteen he had began working for his grandfather getting paid a fair amount. With the money he had, and with puberty doing miracles, Kevin took better care of himself and had bought himself a Harley Motorcycle (Never got a license, but rode it anyways). Throughout the past years, Kevin had been bullied, and had came across the bullies at his current age in front of a garage......Not much needs to be said, just a couple ribs being broken on both sides of the party, maybe one kid getting hit in the face with a wrench and ending up in the hospital. Kevin was taken to jail afterwards, and had developed his lack of patience there, the thirty minutes being locked up had felt like a year to him. His father came to get him out, being let out for the fact that witnesses saw that he in fact was acting in self defense by being hit first (Despite provoking the fight anyways). Afterwards him and his father got into an argument, and had not spoken since that day. Four years had past, and Kevin had already had his own place at eighteen which he never switched for anything else. Had a garage, which had the Harley Motorcycle he still kept, despite her multiple breakdowns Kevin was skilled enough to fix her and still ride her. He also kept the wrench he hit one of his past bullies with, still had a bit of dried blood. At this age, Kevin had learned his grandfather had passed away due to cancer he hid from the family, which hit him hard a little bit. He resorted to drinking, not becoming addicted, but needed to stay away from the pain a couple of days....It didn't help, the funeral came and he was reunited with his father. They didn't say much, but sat together. As his grandmother walked up to the open casket, his grandfather suddenly lunged out and bit into his grandmother's neck causing everyone to jump out of their seats and watch in horror as the skin was being pealed from her neck. Running up, Kevin pushed his 'grandfather' back and dragged his grandmother away who was bleeding to death. An ambulance showed up and took her away, Kevin waited in the waiting room close to his father with blood over them both. None of them said a word, none of them shed a tear as the news came, they acted almost sociopathic which was far from the case. A couple days later, the news was that something was happening and to stay indoors, safety precautions happening, which was Kevin's first expirence with the outbreak. Now one week later he was with some....[I]group[/I], everything was a blur from what happened as too many thoughts swarmed his head of his father, grandparents.....Himself, he didn't know what was going on, he didn't know what was going to happen to him....He almost didn't care. Foils: His lack of patience, if someone takes too long doing something then he'll just get up and go after them no matter how dangerous it is, all because he has nothing to do. As said, he hates sitting around and doing nothing, so he has to go do something or he has to make sure someone is doing something or has been doing something with his own eyes. Starting/ primary weapon: Bully beatdown Wrench. (Could have wrote the History better.....But there it is)