[hr][hr][center][color=ed1c24][b]Andrew // Graves[/b][/color] [sub][b]LOCALE[/b] // Outskirts of the Dungeon [b]TIME[/b] // Afternoon[/sub][/center][hr][hr] The people that played MMOs were so predictable. Without fail, Graves could anticipate how certain players would react to his actions. Landon stepping in to protect Mirage was so cliche. He wanted to be her knight in shining armor, like every other pathetic little nerd like him. People like him made the blood knight sick. Fawning over every attractive woman they came across, practically throwing themselves to the ground just to get a chance to lick her boots. Everyone sided with Mirage. What a fucking surprise, the party picked the girl who started it. [color=ed1c24][i]'Could it be any easier for her to play you all like God damn fiddles?'[/i][/color] Landon went down to the punch. Even if it was painfully telegraphed and he hadn't thrown his weight behind it, the tank couldn't say it was unexpected. Squishes in Pariah all had glass jaws. Mirage called the tank's name, prompting him to grunt in response. [i][color=ed1c24]'She coulda dodged it. You didn't need to take the hit, moron.'[/color][/i] He wasn't down for long, though, to give the moron a little credit. He was up on his feet and talking a million miles a minute, like an auctioneer on speed. The man had hit himself with some kind of defensive buff. Bludd hadn't expected that one; it was a strange as hell time to show off what he could do, but the way he delivered the magic via crossbow bolts was something Graves hadn't seen before. Elian berated the man for showing off, drawing some modicum of attention away from Graves' own admittedly harsh actions. Hawkwood had tried to step in just as Landon did, but was more of a coward than Landon and ended up letting him take the punch. He was perhaps the most stereotypical example of a basement dweller playing at being a real knight in their party. He had the armor, the demeanor, the whole chivalry shtick with trying to help Mirage. The only way he could've made it worse was by throwing thees and thous into his speech. The only thing he did that was at least half decent was by addressing the woman's crass mocking instead of the blood knight's reaction to it. His attempt at humor left much to be desired. [i][color=ed1c24]'He sounds like a fuckin' old man trying to get 'hip with the kids.'[/color][/i] None of their actions pissed Graves off more than what followed. Not Landon's thirsty attempt to gain Mirage's affection by being her human shield. Not Hawkwood's cowardice, or his cringe worthy at best attempt at humor. Neither made him nearly as angry as the ranger's self righteous, totally disingenuous and frankly insulting half-assed attempt at an apology. He would've preferred a simple single word 'sorry' to her little speech about 'friendship' and 'responsibility.' Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Graves read her body language. He saw between each carefully crafted line. He picked apart everything she said, revealing the basic truth behind her well of lies: 'I'm sorry you had the guts to call me out.'The tank's teeth ground together, his blood positively boiling. Maybe he should have really tried to hit her. She seemed like the type of girl that needed to be knocked down a peg. She bent, twisted and manipulated the part through her words, trying to make her 'joke' out to be good natured, despite the clearly antagonistic message she had sent toward Graves. [color=ed1c24]"Real heart felt. Got me right here."[/color] Graves patted his bare chest, scoffing at the ranger through three layers of sarcasm. Elian was quick to do her thing after that. She tried to defuse the situation much like the others had. It was annoying as hell that the elf twig thought that his usual banter was anywhere near on the level of the archer's comment. Graves might be a little biased, but he liked to think his level of assholery was never as genuinely mean as what was pointed toward him. [i][color=ed1c24]'Unless they deserve it.'[/color][/i] He clarified to himself. Then she moved the conversation away from the tank and back to the mission at hand. He had succeeded in making everyone dislike him, which was the plan to begin with. He doubted anyone would care to get close to him in any capacity after that over the top display. Rael joined in the discussion about how to approach the dungeon, basically marking the end of the confrontation. Graves took the time to return back to where he left his gauntlets and halberd. He bent down, retrieving his equipment in due haste. The tank had removed his gloves to avoid causing unnecessary damage if he had actually managed to hit Mirage; a good choice, given Landon's foolish attempt at white knighting. With the metal gloves back on, he ripped the spear tip out of the dirt. The familiar weight of his weapon brought a base level of comfort to the warrior. He started back toward the dungeon, only faltering for a moment when their fire mage set off a loud bang from the high ground. [color=ed1c24][i]'Yeah, let's tell the whole dungeon we're coming. That's a fantastic idea, you fucking idiot.'[/i][/color] He groaned to himself. Then her idiocy compounded upon itself, and she decided to run on ahead. Alone. As a mage. [color=ed1c24]"Can you get any dumber?"[/color] Graves muttered quietly. At least the tot with the spear had the brains to chuck a rock at her. Sadly it missed, but hopefully she got the message. The large warrior continued to move forward, sticking to the front of the group. He decided to weigh in on the discussion of strategy, even if his input was more likely to be ignored or outright mocked. [color=ed1c24]"We're the first group to enter this dungeon, so information is sparse to nonexistent. We'll play it safe. We stick together and only split up when absolutely necessary. Move slow, keep up a constant line of communication and call out when you need help. Don't engage until everyone is ready to go. Elian'll need at least one person always watching her back. If we lose our healer, the raid's over."[/color] It wasn't a complicated or overly thought out plan, but simple was better when dealing with as many unknowns as they were. [color=ed1c24]"And for God's sake, let me go first." [/color]Graves pointed that last bit toward the mage that tried to stir him up even more. He ignored her comment, choosing instead to stay on point now that they were approaching the danger zone.