Jake smiled at Shen-Mu's question [color=red]"Some say devil and some say human I don't really know personally I regenerate but I can't wield fire or damn people to hell."[/color] Jake then turned to Akemi and smiled as she agreed to joining forces though his thoughts wandered. [color=crimson]"It's like she has tentacles I wonder what she can do - can she pick someone up - maybe tear them in half - crush them in a coffin of plant life - or maybe other things... that's so awesome!!"[/color] He chuckled at the last bit of his thoughts of the tentacles girl when his gaze reached a person in the corner who wasn't joining any groups. So he walked over and sat next to the loner. [color=red]"Hey what's up I'm Satan I noticed you haven't joined a group yet and your not really trying to so how about you come join us nobody here really likes me except Yuki and if he would except to be in a group with 'ME' then he'd surely except you. They probably think I'm a real demon."[/color] Jake laughed under his breathe a little bit at saying that. [color=red]"I don't really know if I am or not but I know what it's like to be left out and ignored it really sucks but you get used to it over time. Plus I don't think anyone here needs to worry about being voted off. If people do vote they'll probably vote me off cause no one wants a psychotic basket case - well except for Yuki he's awesome and he doesn't judge. So what do ya say? Wanna join? There's always room for one more and if smoky doesn't like it he can suck it."[/color]