second character done. [hider= Umeko:] Muninn The seer, the dark seer to some. [img][/img] Age (Magical Girl): 15 Age (Before Magical Girl): 15 Gender: Female Gender (Before Magical Girl): Female [hider= Appearance:] [img][/img] Flowing outfit, Her eyes are normally green, becoming glazed over when she astrally projects. the raven in picture is her preferred form while doing so. [/hider] Specialization: Psychic- A powerful array of mind altering abilities and telepathy. Weapon: Ranged / enhanced weapon - Huginn a semi automatic [url=]rifle[/url] in a [url=]nice black and green color[/url]. As Umeko's main means of direct attack it packs quite a punch at decent range. Power: Focused assault: Gathering her magic Umeko can either power up her weapon or a strong psychic assault. When used on her rifle it becomes a rail gun, greatly boosting range and damage capabilities. When doing the latter she gathers her psychic energy into a visible sickly green third eye floating above her forehead. This green eye can shoot a long range laser of pure psychic energy that overwhelms a person's senses. The strong willed may resist the lazer. While a non-lethal, as the beam is pure psychic energy, the beam can bypass all inorganic material easily without diminishing its effect. Third Eye: As her magic has expanded her mind, it has enhanced her ability to see and detect magic. Easily finding trace residue of long spent magic, allowing her to predict incoming spells and a granting her a deeper understanding of magic as a whole. [hider=Perks:] Wings- Umeko is able to create/dismiss a pair of black raven wings, enabling agile gliding. Awareness - Ever vigilant, few things get past her enhanced senses. Sorcery - astral projection a little trick that can be done In her human form to scout up to a mile away. Her capabilities in this are greatly enhanced in transformed state. Money - Forcing a bank teller to deposit money into you account is quite useful. Absolute direction - her intuition guides her. luckily for Umeko it usually leads her in the right direction. Flexibility - Umeko could be a contortionist if she wanted to... a bit creepy at times. Enhanced Weapon - Huginn's (Umeko's rifle) damage capabilities should not be over looked. [/hider] Patron: Puchuu Patron Benefits: Well connected Concerned Physical prowess mystical might. Patron Drawbacks: Expendable Cagey Vendetta. - beacon Fighting Style: Umeko is a great strategist, using her abilities sense and track individuals. There is little on the battlefield that she is not aware of. Setting up ambushes or picking enemies of at long range is where she shines. When working with with others she acts as a coordinator, giving directions telepathically while providing support. [hider=Stats] (Untransformed): STR: 3 AGI: 4 VIT: 3 MAG: 4 LCK: 3 Stats (Transformed): These start at 4. STR: 5 AGI: 12 VIT: 4 MAG: 14 LCK: 6 [/hider] Personality: Comes off as very calculating, a no-nonsense girl. Having been a magical girl for a long time, she knows how treacherous the magical world she lives in truly is. Strongly distrustful of the beacon if not out right combative to its members. She prideful in begin able to protect humans and has no patience for dealing with beacon's "pious" standards. Underneath all that, once Umeko gets to know someone she can be more fun letting out a teasing joke every once and a while. History: Umeko grew up the only child of a very loving family who doted on her constantly. From infancy her family would often set up play dates between her and a friend of the family's daughter Ami. Ami and Umeko would become best friends, inseparable. They always hangout and told each other everything. That was until the Ami turned 15. Ami suddenly became busy, seldomly begin able to hangout and when they did, Ami seemed guarded in a way she never had before. Wanting to see what was taking up all her time, Umeko followed Ami one night. To Umeko's surprise Ami had become a magical girl and was in full on combat with another girl. While relatively close it was clear Ami was loosing the battle, that was when a puchuu showed up. The critter urged her that it was an emergency and that Umeko should become a magical girl to save her friend. Umeko agreed and went to save her friend. She was able to fend off the already weakened magical girl. The two rejoiced and cried tears of happiness. After that Umeko joined Ami's small group of magical girls who all worked for the same puchuu. Everything was fine and dandy for about a month until more beacon's came to finish what they started and hunt down the "heretics". In the second confrontation two of the Puchuu's girls were killed. Knowing that they weren't safe there anymore, the remaining 4 girls decided to leave town. Umeko erased their families' and friends' memory of the girls and they went on the run. They moved from city to city staying a couple of days before once again moving on. They where hunted constantly and the the girls numbers dwindled until even Ami was dead and only Umeko was left. After that the frequency of assaults stopped, possibly The beacon decided they had bigger fish to fry, who knows. Eventually while still roaming various cities, Umeko crossed paths with Ilia, another of the beacons deemed heretics. As working together against the beacon would be easier than doing it alone, she took him under her wing and taught him a bit about world he was now a part of. Incantation: Mystical third eye open, reveal to me all. Muninn. Additional Info: Likes to poke fun at Ilia by call him witch boy. Great love for animals. [/hider] [hider= patron] Type: Puchuu Name: Ratatoskr Patron Benefits: Well connected Concerned Physical prowess mystical might. Patron Drawbacks: Expendable Cagey Vendetta - beacon. The two have a long history of pitting there girls against each other. Personality: Ratatoskr is one of the few much friendlier Puchuu. Using his connections to give Umeko a small advantage against her assailants. History: Before the years Ratatoskr and Umeko have spent together not much else is know. This hasn't been the first time it has but heads with the beacon though. Resources: Currently Umeko is Ratatoskr's only girl, which is why she is able to funnel quite a bit of resources to her. His contacts with other magics groups, patrons and even the mundane has greatly helped Umeko in her dealings with the beacon. His rewards for cooperation are magical coins and continued use of his his large network of connections. [/hider] [@Card Captor], I was waiting to see what [@EnterTheHero] was going to do and see if I could have my character/s meet him. Possibly form an alliance between them.