[color=708090]"The only person who needs saving here is [i]you [/i]Tinman. Shadow's just here to nibble on what's left of the competition when this is over and done with. Though I might need to break out something bigger then a can opener for you."[/color] Jack rolled his scarred shoulders and bent his thick neck from side to side, producing a number of faint cracks as he stepped underneath the warm glow of the overhead arena lights. His dark grey blow-back handgun was already clutched firmly in his right hand and he pulled back on the slide as he moved. A familiar, threatening metallic click reached his ears as the well kept components snapped back into place and shoved a high caliber round into the chamber for firing. 8 rounds, one already in the chamber with plenty of clips to spare. Shadow stayed by Jack's side as he moved. The large black and white dog remained slightly crouched, growling in a low feral tone as he bore his ivory teeth at their opponents across the fighting arena. The sharp scars turning upwards from the dog's black lips almost made it seem like it had some kind of unhinged grin as it readied itself to taste blood. [color=708090][i]"A metal metal man. A boy and his dog. Vs me, my dog, and some strang guy in an orange suit of armor." [/i][/color] Jack's eyes narrowed as he looked over the metal man facing off against him. Just hearing his voice and seeing the strange stillness he possessed made it difficult for the cop to tell if he was a robot, some kind of cyborg, or just another spooky prick in a mechanical suit with really stupid looking dreadlocks sticking out the back. What wasn't difficult to tell was whether or not the man machine was dangerous. Appearances could be deceiving or incredibly forth coming. Just glancing at his opponent made it clear to Jack the enemy in front of him seemed better suited to the orange fellow he'd be paired up with. They both looked hi-tech and neither seemed totally human. Behind the dreadlock sporting metal man Jack could see a young man and what he assumed was some kind of dog. The two were dressed in strange suits, but both possessed a military air to them. [color=708090]“I’d really rather see who’s the better dog owner, but I guess I’m stuck fighting robo-dreadlocks here until I can get him to tag out.”[/color] [center][h1][quote][color=red]FIGHT![/color][/quote][/h1][/center] As soon as the shout was given to begin Jack's arm up flew from his side. Left hand cupping his right to support and steady his aim Jack quickly leveled his pistol at Cyrax's right knee and pulled the trigger three times in rapid succession. A trio of deafening bangs rang out as hot gasses and metal left the chamber of the gun into the open air. [color=708090]"Shadow, [i]around[/i]!"[/color] Jack yelled over his shots and Shadow quickly sprang into action. Instead of blinding charging at the obviously dangerous man-thing Shadow kept his distance and attempted to circle around and position himself behind his target. Attacking from opposite directions was ideal for splitting an enemies attention. The canine's predator mindset understood the line of thought all too well.