[color=#ddd1be]"He's just not answering?" Janetta shook her head no, turning the device off and slipping it into her left back pocket. It wasn't a service problem. The call went through; there was simply no answer. This was definitely a red flag - Burchill never ignored a call, especially from what was technically his second-in-command when it came to the Prison Bay. And in a time like this, where he should be expecting contact at any moment, he would normally be responsive. It was just in his character to be on top of all responsibilities, and for him not to be spoke volumes as to the possible state of his being. Suddenly, the tone in her officer's voice changed. Jan brought her attention to his face to see that it had darkened, almost as if it weren't really Ryobi anymore. It was strange, seeing her inner thoughts reflected there, as if he had been reading her mind. She had been so certain that she needed to keep composure to assure him that she was alright about all of this, but it was as if his enthusiasm about justice (as per what they probably both told themselves to conceal their true motivations) was giving her permission to express what she was in denial about. It probably wasn't the proper way to go about all of this, but Janetta embraced it anyway. "Hell yeah, I'm coming. Let's get those fuckers."[/color] The two of them took off in the direction towards Central, the spine of the station that held the Captain's Office. Kitt, having picked up on the change in their demeanors, followed along behind them with concern. If the Captain wasn't answering his comms device, it definitely wasn't a good sign. As she followed behind them, she tried her own radio system, but as it was on the same network as Ryobi's, it didn't work. Dutifully, she kept her scanners on, making sure to keep the two of her companions in sight as they moved. The trio, careful to navigate their way towards the elevators, made their way there safely and without interruption. The two officers - very hyperaware and cautious - made sure to cover the camera system with a layer of the pepper spray, blurring their images in case anyone was actually watching the feeds. It was highly unlikely, but they couldn't be too sure. Two flights up, the doors of the elevator opened, and the party froze. They couldn't see what was causing it, but it was immediately brought to their attention that the entire floor was silent but for a singular noise coming from around the corner. It was a repeated sound; a mechanical whir and then a thudding. It sounded like metal on metal, but they couldn't really be sure. Kitt, already aware of what they needed of her, moved her attention beyond the corner, where the Captain's office was located. "Captain Burchill and Officer Benton are inside," she spoke lowly, and with a frowning intonation, "They're both on the floor, at the far end of the room. They don't appear to be moving, and their vitals are... They're dead. The Captain and Officer Benton appear to be dead." Now nervous, Kitt blinked and glanced at the two officers beside her. She hoped to whatever that her readings were wrong - maybe it was the distance that was screwing with her scanners? [color=#ddd1be]Janetta had already reached behind her and slipped her pistol from its hiding place, holding it at the ready. She was watching Ryobi intensely, the noise from beyond the corner constant in her ears. "You ready?"[/color]