[center] [h2][u]Repressed Memories[/u][/h2] [img] http://i.imgur.com/ZnOpQuF.png[/img] & [img]http://i.imgur.com/LiQDDiW.png[/img] Location: On a side road heading out of NY Time: Morning (1 am +) [/center] Ben bit his inner cheek a moment, realizing how crazy he was for trying this with a bunch of strangers, as he sniffed the water a moment on impulse. It held a herbal scent though it was diluted by the water and hard to get a good scent. He snorted then took a cautious sip. The taste was bitter as he fought not to spit it back out causing him to shudder, his stomach clenched and tightened in reaction. An amused grin crossed his lips before he inhaled then promptly downed as much as he could in one movement. The bowl was nearly a third of the way done before the nauseous sensation to throw up was on him. He stopped then sought to retain his stomach contents as he hunched over, his insides wiggling in unpleasantness, while he tried to stare into the fire. Flames crackled for what felt like hours before his vision started to blur and sweat began to roll off his skin. Gradually, he closed his eyes and let his eyesight fall into darkness. Imagining his wolf was more difficult than he could’ve believed as he had never seen himself before. All the changes were painful and distracting, leaving no ability to focus on any reflective surfaces. Truthfully, he had been curious enough to want to know. It was just a disruption in his once normal life which explained why he wanted it gone and killed any desire to picture it. Ben let himself sit uncomfortably for what felt like several minutes before he couldn’t stand it anymore. His legs moved and he pulled out from under his seat, crawling out of the car with the blanket held up to shade him. Everything felt off. The wind blew across his nose causing him to shift his attention as everything felt uncomfortable. Ben’s figure leaned back against the car and still protected from the full moon’s effect. For the first time in two days, he actually looked content and peaceful. Another shiver of discomfort caused Benjamin’s stomach to flip within his middle as he turned to Rune across the fire. [color=chocolate] “Alright,”[/color] Irritation obvious in his voice as the teenager tried to puzzle together what was about to happen to him,”[color=chocolate] “What now?”[/color] His wolf appeared to be nowhere in sight for him. “Patience young wolf,” Otto spoke softly and comforting as Rune began to chant something in what was clearly one of the many dialects of the First Nations, of the Native Americans who truly owned the land they sat upon. His mumbling grew to a fevered chanting as sweat ran down his forehead and his brow furrowed. And then it hit them, like a celestial truck, the magic smashed into them, dislodging their astral selves from their bodies. [color=#99ebff]“Don’t panic.”[/color] Rune said as they were now standing, according to their senses at least, upright. Yet at their feet, their bodies were clearly slumping forward, staring at the fire. Even as Rune spoke, the fire seemed to discolor and lose its luster. The colors of the world bled out into a fog, that warped and shaped and swirled by laws none of the three could understand. Rocks and Trees took on hues of purple and their edges seemed undefined. And then there was a sudden, shuddering jolt running up their transparent, ghostly spines. The world wasn’t merely warping, it seemed as if another one was superimposing themselves over their perception. Shadows of trees that once stood where the deserts now stretched. Ancient shades of great walking beasts now bones beneath the ground. A place where death had been suspended, and time moved in all directions at once. The Spirit Realm. [color=chocolate] “Easier said than done,”[/color] Ben tried not to snarl. His eyes widened and blinked twice, trying to clear his eyesight of the illusions he thought he was seeing. They didn’t disappear. In face, they only got sharper to his attention causing him to tense and try not to bolt. If he hadn’t been turned into a werewolf, shifted several times in the last two days, and had come face to face with individuals gifted in magic, then he highly doubted he could’ve mustered up enough tolerance to remain in place right now. Still soaked in fear and adrenaline rising, Ben turned toward Rune and Otto,[color=chocolate] “Alright, you still haven’t answered my question… I don’t see my wolf, so what now?”[/color] “Are all kids this impatient Otto? Is it the videogames fault?” “You did give the kid peyote.” “Yeah. True” Rune shrugged. “Just hold on. I feel something. Something strong… It isn’t to happy though…” The rune priest mumbled as he swept the landscape with his eyes. Things were changing, the ghost grass seemed to grow, and he felt as if he was being watched. He knew this feeling, the presence of an Apex Predator. With predatory grace and absolute quietness, a large, blond wolf edged into sight. It looked nearly identical to what Ben had when he was being hauled about by Barron in his fully shifted form, from the slight off figure upon all fours to the bright blue eyes, as it drew closer to the three that had trespassed upon [i]his[/i] territory. His head shifted from one to the next, observing each individual then rested on Rune as the cause of bring them here. [i][b]What do you want and why do you tread upon my territory?[/b][/i] The words were that of a confidence, mature wolf compared to the image of a pup he showed. He stood there patiently waiting for an answer. “To bring together two sides of the same being. And reach better cadence between wolf and the man. According to the peace of the moon, and the nature of you both. You are one and the same, yet you are currently at odds with one another. I hope to help you both. It is obvious your transformation was premature, that even now. It strains you. I wish to help.” The wolf turned to Ben, causing the boy flinch as he tried to stand his ground against the wolf’s stare. After a moment or two, the wolf turned back to Rune, [i][b]I can’t be become whole with someone that rejects who they are and fears it. He wouldn’t accept the animal instinct, the responsibility, or the savagery that comes with my kind if he doesn’t accept himself. The premature transformation had little to do with the divide created. [/b][/i] Another pause was created while the wolf waited for Rune to comment on his words. “It is never easy to wake up to an altered reality, to the nature of one self.. Some men spend their lives running from it. Others naturally accept it. “ He turned to Ben. “Running away will not make your life easier. Trust me.” [color=chocolate] “I didn’t want to become a werewolf so you can’t blame me for not wanting it,”[/color] Benjamin said, trying to understand the wolf’s confusing words. Naturally in his attempt to translate the deeper meaning, he hadn’t fully understood them at all. This was enough to cause the wolf’s head to snap toward him and peered hard at him, absorbing that fact then turned to Rune as if to point out the obvious. “No… That is not it.. You are special. Tell me wolf. How come you can track magic? What else runs in Benjamin's veins.” [b][i]Only three have ever been able to smell the energy you call magic and that is because they have had it within themselves from the start,[/i][/b] The wolf said calmly as he cocked his head,[b][i] No breed is built to sniff out what they can’t understand unless it lies in their veins. He suppresses it because it upsetted the one he loved the most and the only one that loved him back.[/i][/b] Johan felt a pang of sympathy at that. Tilting his head back he let out a sigh. It would not be easy. And he could not force the boy to simply reconcile with his past on the spot. “Benjamin” He said, his voice calm and steady. “Do you hate it? The magic I mean?” [color=chocolate] “I haven’t any idea what you’re talking about. I’ve never encountered anything magical or supernatural or anything before I was bitten. Personally, I’m still hoping this is some whacked out dream and that I’ll wake up as things were,”[/color] Benjamin spoke, his words believed to be true causing the wolf to snort in disagreement. Anger filled the boy’s attention at being told he was something he wasn’t as he looked to the wolf, his voice reached out in a pissed off tone at it,[color=chocolate] “You don’t know me at all.”[/color] For the first time, the wolf acknowledged the boy as an individual separated from himself as his eyes narrowed upon Benjamin and its back legs raised underneath it. Inch by inch, its hind legs pushed the blond wolf to stand fully on two legs as it towered over six foot (6’2”) and loomed over the boy then stepped forward. The voice was a snarl, the lips curled back to reveal several white canines, when it rippled through all their skulls, a warning, [i][b]I know you better than you know yourself. You run from what you don’t want to face which means you’ll run from me as well. [u]We[/u] can’t be whole that way.[/b][/i] After a few moments, the wolf’s figure then stepped back and once more resumed his earlier posture. However the hatred in the confrontation was still lingering in the spiritual energy about them. Rune had not expected this. In hindsight, he should have. Teenagers were the spawn of every hell conceivable, and the crucible of angst and hormones made for the terrible creature known as young adults. And here he stood, watching the primal incarnation of Ben’s supernatural side try and talk sense to the one creature so immune to logic and rational thinking: The fabled and feared: Teenage boy. “Ok Ben. I hate to say this. But it is time to put on the big boy pants. This wolf Is you. Of course he knows you.” He said exasperated. “You share the same memories, the same impulses. You are one and the same, separated only by the fact that you do not accept what and who you are.” Otto nodded as Rune spoke adding his own words to the conversation only after careful consideration. “The Supernatural run in my family to. This form you see before is passed on through magic for generations. I did not have any more a choice then you did. But if we deny what we are, we will eventually burn from within. Nobody suppresses the beast forever.” [color=chocolate] “I don’t… I don’t remember. You’re asking to accept something that makes no sense,”[/color] Ben said firmly his stubbornness shining through as his words showed earnest in his belief. At the mention of the wolf sharing the memories and impulses, his stomach turned at the truth. Something terrible was about to happen as his eyes seemed to plead for Rune to stop this and not pry further despite Ben himself being unaware that his eyes reflected this. The wolf’s figure shifted uncomfortably, a show of pity perhaps, as he edged back to the boy, [i][b]It was suppressed because it was painful to face the true or would hurt her memory. Admirable as the compassion is, despite how we try to hide it, it has caused a fracture. If it is difficult to remember, showing might be better.[/b][/i] With that, the wolf began to trot off into the landscape with an air of expecting them to follow. His fours legs moved in predatory grace across the rugged and shifting territory he called home. Never missing a step or lost pacing, they gradually came to a small, calm pool shrouded by mist. A feminine voice called out loudly, a slight worry mixed with the motherly tone. [i]“Ben, Ben where are you? I know you’re here, come out. Ben…”[/i] Ben immediately grinded to a stop as the wolf turned, not at all surprised, then shifted his head to Rune and Otto. [i][b] This will be difficult… we must see to believe. Often we can’t run from the truth when it’s facing us and a small, outside nudge helps in great measures.[/b][/i] “Magic is build on truths and deceits. A truth is always powerful. That is why we protect them with deceit. Even if it means fooling ourselves. “ Rune felt a pang of pity for a boy, and something else entirely. Selfloathing. Here he was, speaking of truths and deceits, but he had no idea where his own road led. Steeling himself he spoke softly. “We are here to bear witness, we shall take this secret with us to the grave, shall you demand it of us Ben. We will not abandon you.” Ben didn’t reply. Instead, he watched his mother drift into their backyard and toward the pool, her eyes darted for him. Her cries made him cringe inwardly with each word that it could be seen and felt by touch. He was fixed in place, helpless, and unable to stop it from peeling back the haze of that day. A six year old boy materialized in the pool’s reflection as he chattered with someone. [i]“Ben, who are you talking to?”[/i] There was fear lacing his mother’s question. He was too young to understand why, his eyes unable to remove themselves from her figure and noted the gut sensation of guilt squirming into his chest. Casually she moved toward his younger self and immediately picked him up, her eyes widened in recognition toward the figure as she clenched him tightly to her. [i]“What do you want? Leave my son alone,”[/i] She spoke harshly to the figure, a wispy shape taking a woman’s form. Rune and Otto would immediately realize the creature his mother was talking to was a Banshee. Through Ben could see her, she disguised her word to where only Mrs. Reeves could hear. It sounded like the rattle of the reeds, eerie and grim, with each breath. However the words seemed to draw more fear and panic from the woman as she shook her head, [i]“No. He’s staying here, grandmother. I won’t let you take him.”[/i] Another eerie whisper occurred. [i]“Please, no. I’ll do anything. Just don’t take him.” [/i] Through the scene wasn’t over, its running was a mish mash product, darkness filled the pool and eventually once more became a dark surface untouched by anything. Ben just stood there watching in silence. The wolf turned to Rune and Otto, his eyes studied them a moment before he spoke,[b][i] This was as much as could be unsurfaced from the mind and we need time. Even if the fracture was healed, learning to co-exist would take months or longer as is normal with an American Werewolf. We are done here…[/i][/b] “Yes.” Rune bit back the dark bile that rose in his throat. “Yes. We are.” Otto looked stunned. He looked to Ben, but Rune stopped him. “If you need time, you have it Ben. This turned out heavier than I expected it to. It may not feel like it. But in time, you will thank me for this.” He closed his eyes and began to sing the hymn of return. Reality began to warp and separate again, the superimposed hyper reality fading until they were simply at the roadside, a small tray of coals where the fire between once had been. “Ugh… my goddamn head..” Rune mumbled. Ben’s eyes fluttered open as his figure leaned over the car edge, his arms pressed to his squirming middle. Without warning his lips opened and spewed the mostly digested contents of his dinner across the ground nearest the car. Unable to remain seated, his figure dropped to all fours upon the ground and felt another sickening wave rush over him before he finished purging whatever remained in his system once more. Ben then weakly sat up, his back pressed against the car’s frame, and somehow managed to keep the blanket mostly covering his skin. [color=chocolate]“I can see why Otto wasn’t keen on doing this… fuck. Was that real?”[/color] Ben said, though he knew the answer,[color=chocolate] “What was she speaking to? I don’t...”[/color] His right leg lifted and bent as his forehead rested on it, not caring anymore if he went wolf or not, while trying to cope with what had just happened. A sick, twisted blade of guilt dug into his middle causing him to want to just disappear altogether. His mother had gotten in a car accident and died in the hospital, or he thought. Daniel never allowed him to say his final goodbye before the bastard made the call to pull his mother’s life support when he was away at school. With the thoughts running through his head, he didn’t notice he was trembling along his surface.