Alright, my app is done. Hopefully no glaring errors. [hider=Chloe] [b]Name:[/b] [url=]Chloe[/url] Drachma [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Phenotype:[/b] Human Kingdom: Mistral [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] She is 170cm (5'7") tall. [b]Personality:[/b] Chloe is a bit of a mixed bag; on one hand, you have a woman that, tempered by past events, has come out the other side a mostly nice person. Chloe often feels strongly for those that are being harassed unfairly, especially those that are the target of false rumours and deliberate smear campaigns. She’ll go in to bat for a person she thinks is getting a raw deal without a thought to any reward. On the other hand, Chloe is still a bit of a conceited and greedy individual under the right circumstances. If you’re not one of the aforementioned downtrodden persons, she won’t hesitate to charge top dollar for her help and by golly does she like getting more dollars. She often makes comments and remarks about people that can be taken for being a little mean, though she almost never intends to tread on people’s feelings. She’s also extremely vain, and will go to great lengths to maintain her physical appearance no matter the circumstances. She’s the kind of person who would easily be taken for a real piece of work if you hadn’t seen any evidence of her better side. Socially speaking, Chloe is rather guarded around other people. She doesn’t trust easily, and she usually chooses her words carefully, aside from when she’s making cracks at other people’s expense, which she finds too much fun to forego. She’s firmly of the belief that almost everyone, no matter what they claim, keeps secrets and has agendas. She believes this because she used to be the kind of person that pretended to be friends with lots of people while working to sabotage their social reputation without them knowing. Even if she has gotten past this behaviour with maturity, she knows everyone is capable of it, so she keeps her guard up at all times. She still likes to gossip a bit though; while she won’t go around saying things that will clearly harm someone’s reputation, she can’t help but mention when she suspects certain someones might have crushes on certain someone elses. As a huntress, Chloe has a mind for her reputation. She wants people to think of her as a reliable and competent agent; every bit worth the steep price she might try and haggle out of you. She’s not fussy about who she works for or what she does, as long as it’s not overtly immoral. Taking a mundane job from a greedy corporation is one thing, doing something murderous for them would be entirely another. She’s also not fussy about how she gets the job done so long as she doesn’t violate her own codes. She’ll shoot someone in the back if they happen to be the target, but she won’t be found endangering other people’s lives just to earn a pay check. She can definitely be an underhanded fighter and willing to throw in with those less than paragons of virtue, but she’ll stop short of the line of actual evil. [b]Biography:[/b] The Drachma family is heavily invested in the fashion industry of Mistral and to a lesser extent Remnant. Chloe was born in the lap of luxury, and she grew into the life of a sybarite in her formative years. She learned to like having lots of things, and she liked getting even more things, even when she didn’t remotely need more things. When she did not get more things, she could be an exceptionally petulant child, and would often act up until she got what she wanted. As she got older, she became more refined in her methods; she realised she would often overhear people talking about things she knew would get them in trouble. She would then use that information to blackmail people into doing things they wouldn’t usually do. She grew to enjoy having influence over others like this, and soon she started doing it with little provocation. If things had just kept going as they were, Chloe would probably still be acting as the toxic daughter of the Drachmas. That all changed when she decided to try and blackmail the wrong person. One day, the Drachma family hired a new maid that didn’t feel like being blackmailed at all. She steadfastly refused to give in to Chloe’s demands, in spite of the things she had on her. This made Chloe angry, and she attacked the maid. It was during this short fight that Chloe activated her Semblance and ended up ruining a number of priceless pieces of art belonging to her family. Tellingly, it was this more than her assault on a member of staff that infuriated her parents. Her mother had the idea to enrol her in the Hunstman program to channel her new found powers into something more productive than getting into haphazard fights with their staff. Chloe was not happy at all to find out she was being sent away to study combat, but having ticked off her parents, there was nothing for her to hide behind. Chloe settled into life at the academies the only way she knew how; forming a social clique around herself and manipulating people to get things done for her. She had people taking notes for her on the theoretical portions and sacrificing their own time and energy to help her train for the more practical aspects. Chloe didn’t care much for the idea of being Huntress, but as in all things, she wanted to succeed and look good while doing so, so she put in her best effort to actually get through it all. When someone refused her, like that maid so many years ago, she did her best to make them regret it. While she now knew better than to attack people like she had before, she ended up making use of far more sinister methods to strike at those that crossed her; she would spread whatever nasty information she had on them around and manipulate whoever she had wrapped around her fingers to ostracize and harass them. When she became part of a team, she certainly wasn’t the one chosen to be the leader, but she may as well have been, because she found ways to manipulate every member of her team, including the actual leader. While Chloe was no slouch as a student, a lot of her accomplishments were fuelled by the “help” she enlisted from others. She would even have her teammates accredit her for all the biggest successes on their missions, no matter who may have actually taken down that large Grimm or secured that important find. It was only at the very edge of her time as a student that she finally reflected on what she had been doing. Naturally, Chloe had a partner from her initiation, though she hadn’t treated her like anything more than a gofer when she was treating her like she existed at all. After all the mistreatment and neglect she’d heaped upon her, her partner finally snapped. One day she just unloaded on Chloe about what an awful person she was; perhaps one of the worst people that existed. At first, Chloe planned to just destroy this girl that had dared to speak up to her. Being her partner, it wasn’t hard to find her journal, which she intended to thoroughly read and attack her on every sensitive point she could discover in it. Except when Chloe read the journal, she noticed that many of the entries in it were in fact about her. Every petty cruelty that Chloe had undertaken in her partner’s presence was recorded here. It wasn’t even limited to what she had done to her; she had been taking notice of what she did to just about everyone. She had even gone beyond simply noticing everything and actually talking to the people Chloe had hurt, and wrote at length about just how bad things had gotten for all of them. The effect this had on Chloe was mild at first. Initially, she just stopped doing anything she used to do; she didn’t pursue her partner, nor did she go after anyone else. Her little blackmailing and bullying operation effectively shut down. She sort of drifted through the last moments at the academy, and graduated with no incident. Chloe distanced herself from her team without a word. She lacked the bravery to actually make amends for what she had done, and perhaps she was still coming to terms with what she had realised about herself. After a stint of inactivity, Chloe eventually got to work as an independent Huntress. She had made up her mind that, even if she couldn’t face her past, she could resolve to just do good work without being the person she used to be. Of course, she still dipped into old habits of liking money and objects way too much, and she wouldn’t go anywhere without being dressed best, but the queen bitch had died, and now she was just kind of a bitch. Aura Color: Dark Purple [b]Semblance:[/b] Chloe’s semblance gives her the ability to eject an acid like substance from her hands. The substance can melt through many materials and at least weaken the more resilient ones like steel. When ejected, the substance will remain present for roughly ten seconds before evaporating. [b]Weapon:[/b] Chloe’s primary weapon is a [url=]revolver that can transform into a whip[/url]. The revolver is capable of firing dust rounds, and the whip is capable of being controlled in motion by way of buttons on the grip, enabling Chloe to either tense it up or make it slack as she requires, as well as extend or retract it. The headpiece of the whip is actually a sharpened barb capable of penetrating and lodging itself into certain materials. Chloe also keeps a pistol disguised as a common scroll on her person. While it can’t actually function as a scroll, it makes for a decent concealed weapon if she ever requires one. [b]Favors: [/b] -Expensive things -Being the centre of attention -Good jokes, especially zingers -Cold hard cash of any kind [b]Disfavors:[/b] -Worthless gifts -Being ignored -Too much quiet -Being reminded of her past [b]Affinities:[/b] Chloe likes to think of herself as adaptable to any given situation. If she needs to just shoot someone in the face, then she just whips out her revolver and starts firing. If she needs to fight someone close up, she can morph the gun into a whip and give the enemy a good lashing. If she needs to be sneaky, she’ll put her revolver away and try approaching with the scroll gun and hopefully hit the opponent before they know what’s happening. In all cases, she can use her semblance either as an offensive weapon or a defensive one; nobody wants a glob of acid on their face, and neither do they want to close the gap only to run across a pool of the stuff. They’ll also be less than keen to run away if they’ll get their feet burned. Chloe likes to think she has a plan for every situation, and if she doesn’t she’ll just take her time until she finds the weak point. [b]Faults:[/b] While Chloe might have many contingencies, that’s not to say she has the best contingencies. Perhaps her revolver will prove less powerful than the enemy’s assault rifle, or perhaps she will be fighting a close combat specialist when she pulls out her whip. Even if she can sneak up on someone with her scroll gun, she’s unlikely to be able to overwhelm them with such a mundane weapon. Chloe may be something of a jack of all trades, but she’s also something of a master of none. She has to hope she won’t be caught in the exact situation where her chosen tactic turns out to be useless, or hope that she can outmanoeuvre a superior opponent. [/hider]