[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmYwNzAyNC5VMlZuYldWdWRDQTEuMAAA/teko.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/eMHyzCO.png?1[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LmYwNzAyNC5KZywsLjAAAAAA/teko.light.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjllNWVjZi5TbTk1SUZKNVpHVnkuMAAA/alleana-script.regular.png[/img] [sup]Collab with [@lovely complex][/sup] [hr][hr][/center] [indent]After this, the main event would start and Joy, the lead backstage interviewer, was more than ecstatic. She was [i]nervous[/i]. Whenever Caiden Winters took the floor, she couldn’t help but have build up anxiety. He was the type of guy that the people couldn’t help but want to win. Not because he was an underdog or anything, but because they knew, she knew, he was good at everything he does. The best. But time and time again, he is walked all over and doesn’t get what he deserves. A man that deserves the world, but gets little to nothing in return. In Joy’s opinion, and perhaps she’s biased because of her mentor, Caiden should have the World Title. No matter what though, she was a professional and would keep her personal opinions to herself unless warranted. At the end of the day, her passion and duty was to every wrestler, not just one. She would bring out the best in them all, even if it took her more than one promo, more than one interview, more than one conversation to do so. This was her life. [color=9966cc][b]“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, CHAOS-”[/b][/color] Pause for dramatic effect. [color=9966cc][b]“Clayton!”[/b][/color] Her blue gaze glinted with elation and anticipation. Chance, as silent as he was, did give Joy subtle cues to show if he was into her performance or not. The image went from her face to Chaos Clayton’s, who was sweaty and obviously looked like he had one hell of a battle. While she congratulated him and asked her first question, she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, [color=9966cc][b]“Your fight with Razorblade kept me on the edge of my seat. Congrats on your win tonight and tearing the floor up like you usually do! After watching that match, I can’t help but wonder if you might have underestimated your opponent. There were times I thought, wow, the underdog might beat Chaos. Do you agree?”[/b][/color] Duncan was indeed quite tired from the match, but he didn’t mind too much. In fact, he loved interviews with Joy. Duncan took every chance to transform into Clayton, and Joy always did her best to make everyone’s characters even better than one could do by themselves. It’s why she’s been at this for so long. His mask was up, so facial expressions couldn’t do much to convey his emotions. It was all in the eyes, body language, and talking. He stared down, chuckling a little before looking to Joy. [color=d90000]”You corner a dog, Joy…”[/color], the Anarchist began. In his head, Duncan’s mind was racing around, deciding on the next thing to say. He’d never mess with a tournament standings or go against Roddy or the writing team, but when it came to scripts? Fuck scripts. No fun! [color=d90000]”...and the dog bites. That kid’s got a helluva bite, but he’s got a long way to go before he’ll prove to me that he’s more than a dog. I wanna see how he can [i]destroy[/i].”[/color] Chaos Clayton continued, saying the last word with such glee only a maniac could understand. And in fact, that’s what Clayton was. A true tornado of discord and destruction, and Duncan cherished every moment he could wrestle and act as him. Another chuckle escaped his lips before he tapped the side of his head with his finger a couple of times. [color=d90000]”The mind decides how we act, but sometimes not even I will know how I’ll act. That’s why I win. You can’t plan against unpredictable.”[/color] [color=9966cc][b]“But isn’t that now predictable for you?”[/b][/color] With a raise of her eyebrow, Joy challenged her subject. [color=9966cc][b]“Being unpredictable, I mean. Wouldn’t you think, to a degree, having a strategy is necessary? Because who knows what the future has in store for us! The future itself is unpredictable. Chaos would not exist if there was no order.”[/b][/color] Her words. that flowed out of her light pink lips naturally and inquisitively, made her think of her brother, who sadly was still in Japan. Everything he did had purpose and he caused an equal amount of destruction. Actually, he probably caused more. The argument here was: Does being unpredictable give you a competitive advantage? In theory, the potential benefits of unpredictability can exceed its cost, but to her, you could lose far more because you are not prepared. The oppose of unpredictable isn’t predictable. The opposite is strategic. How would Clayton be seen as anything but a chaotic fighter? How would his fans see him as a leader, who chooses the game to play and shapes how it’s played, when he goes out on a whim? In chess, amateurs play for tricks, masters play for position. Does Chaos Clayton have what it takes to be one of the masters? This was his moment to shine and show Roddy that he was more than an uproar. That he wasn’t a happy accident. That he was a Star of American Wrestling Entertainment. Duncan smiled behind the mask. Damn she’s good. Clayton quickly clapped his hands and pointed at Joy. [color=d90000]”That’s it! There, there it is!”[/color] He exclaimed excitedly. In fact, he even took the mic right out of Joy’s hand. [color=d90000]”The two don’t co-exist off of each other, like parasites to a host. They oppose each other.”[/color] He said, as if he had hit some sort of break through. [color=d90000]”This is why I’m here. Chaos doesn’t need order to occur. Chaos is freedom! Freedom to do what you like! Take what you want! I’m here to take that Title. I want it! Make no mistake, Joy. Oh no.”[/color] As Clayton’s energy grew, he stood up and talked directly to the camera, pacing back and forth as he stakes his claim. [color=d90000]“My Age Of Anarchy is upon the AWE!”[/color] He announced, getting more excited and sounding more crazy, delusional and most of all, aggressive. Even beginning to shout! [color=d90000]”Anyone who’s against me, who will oppose me, who will try to stop me! They will know the definition of pain when I leave that ring. Strategize… that…”[/color] Clayton finished, his wild eyes staring at the camera just those few sweet seconds longer before dropping the mic to Joy’s feet and walking away, out of the camera’s view. However, Duncan took down the mask as soon as he knew he was safe and looked back at the interview scene, smiling. [color=9966cc][b][i]Okay, Duncan. I’m impressed.[/i][/b][/color] The camera stood a second longer on the surprised interviewer, before Beatrix cued that it was commercial break. Breaking down her professional physique, Joy glanced away from the set and to the wrestler, [color=9966cc][b]“Way to drop the mic. Quite literally.”[/b][/color] With a lighthearted giggle, she moved out the way so the film crew could breakdown everything and prepare for After Hours. Duncan looked scared for a moment when Joy mentioned the mic. He knew how the team got when their equipment got broken. [color=d90000]”Oh shit… I didn’t break it, did I?”[/color] He asked with a genuine bit of worry on his face and in his voice. Giving him a shrug, Joy strolled to his side and assured him, [color=9966cc][b]“If it is, they can take it out of my paycheck, how does that sound?”[/b][/color] She teasingly stuck her tongue out, before gesturing for him to walk with her, [color=9966cc][b]“The main event is about to begin, I’m joining my sister by the screen. You’re welcomed to come too. I can even ask her to make room for you on the Party Bus. I’m sure Wade wouldn’t mind.”[/b][/color] Duncan chuckled, and not a Clayton chuckle either. A genuine, sane human being kind of chuckle. [color=d90000]”I might just sit on your side. Trust me, I love the guy, but I’m not risking taking what might be his seat with his bird.”[/color] Sometimes Duncan couldn’t help his British colloquials outside of the ring, especially when he said stuff like ‘bird’ for someone’s partner. [color=d90000]”But yeah, sure. I’ll come watch. Not a single wrestling fan ever misses the AWE main event. Not even the wrestlers themselves!”[/color] He said in a joking kind of way. [color=9966cc][b]“Oh honey, those two are so dumb for each other. I doubt Wade will see you as a threat. This will be a good opportunity for Trinity to get another wrestler’s perspective, since she has a lot of work ahead of her before she joins the rest of the Divas.”[/b][/color] Joy shook her head at the fact that Wade and Trinity were that kind of couple that made some people gag at how much love they had for each other. Then again, love wasn’t something Joy thought about, but she was happy her sister found someone to help her be the best her she can be. And then, the fangirl squealed out of Joy, [color=9966cc][b]“I am so ready for this match. I really hope Caiden wins. Do you think Caiden wins? If you’ve read the script, pretend that you don’t know who wins. I don’t want to know. I’m so nervous.”[/b][/color] Duncan almost jumped when Joy made that switch. How she can go from being the cool-headed interviewer to an obsessed fan so easily? Ah, it didn’t matter. It was nice to see her get excited about it anyway. A first hand example of the real reason why himself and the rest of the locker room does this. He laughed and then mimicked zipping his mouth shut. [color=d90000]”You won’t hear a peep out of me.”[/color] He promised.[/indent]