The premise would basically be, that your characters awake in a strange area. A dungeon of sorts, with only a very hazy memory of how they got there. The last thing they would remember would be what happened right beforehand, and a period of black and unconsciousness in between their daily life to what has now resulted in their capture of sorts. It'd be more similar to a mainline SMT game in setting, advancing through an ever-growing and dangerous dungeon as opposed to a day-to-day school life. Honestly the only reason this is Persona instead of a full-out SMT RP is that demons are a fully sentient and differently operating creature and it'd just get too complex if everyone had two characters to play as all throughout. For casual, anyway. Some gameplay things to note: - No Wild Card, although the option for either an evolved version of your Persona or a second Persona altogether (which is pre-determined through... certain circumstances further explained in the OOC if it gets that far) may come about through story progression. - Each character will receive an "Ultimate Goal" bestowed upon them after awakening to their Persona. This is rolled at random by me, PMed to you, and upon fulfillment will grant you a special reward. It's up to you if you want to share what your Ultimate Goal is with others at all. Completely up to you, and it's also completely optional. - Battles will be freeform. Elemental weaknesses will be a thing, but movesets will mostly consist of just what the character is capable of doing rather than skills. Izanagi, for example, could swing and attack with his weapon and control the element of lightning. It'll be closer to how the P4 anime and P3 movies handled combat, basically, where Personas could stay summoned and be controlled for an entire fight and move around freely rather than just be summoned for blinks of time. Shared damage will apply just like the anime, as well. - Arcana, like usual, will determine what kind of abilities your Persona could have. Chariot as physical attackers, Death as debuffers/status ailment users, Magician as a jack of all trades, etc. - Your character can fight as well, but this will also function as human durability for the purposes of damage. As in, not like a battle in the games where your character can shrug off lightning bolts and gunfire and such. Though the characters will become more supernatural in power similar to the Phantom Thieves as their Persona grows in strength. - There will be a leveling system of sorts, but not to determine stats or anything like that. More like, your Persona can learn new types of things to add to their repertoire as you level up, such as the potency of their flames rising from Agi to Agilao for example. Other than that I don't want to give much away plot-wise as uncovering the mystery of the dungeon and escaping it will be the crux of the RP. Social Links will be a thing, but since there isn't one designated main character, it's more of the overall party's reputation with both each other and with whoever the NPC is. Anyway, yeah. This is what I came up with. Any takers? I'm looking for 4 people minimum, 6 people maximum.