[@Polaris North][@Animal] Grace wished her brother would have waited a little longer before checking on her. Right at that moment, she was wedged between her desk and the wall, trying to connect a cable to her computer so she could run diagnostics on the robot Spider she was fixing. The little thing was a long running project of hers, and she didn't want to extricate herself quite yet. "I'm a little Tied up right now Evan!" She called back, turning her head just enough to project her voice. She was just about to return to her task when a second voice drifted to her from farther into the house. A voice she didn't want to brush off. "Ow!" Grace exclaimed, banging her head in the underside of her desk as she rushed to her door, stopping only to make sure everything was still upright before she threw open the divider between her and Erika. "Eri! You're here! Why are you here?"