[color=ed1c24]"You just couldn't resist could... "[/color] [i]"It's too early, mom. Give me five more minutes."[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Do you know the shitstorm you just caused? We practically have... "[/color] [i]"Alright, alright. I'm on my way, I'm on my way, just... "[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Do you know how many favors I had to call in to keep you out of lockup for that little stunt you pulled?"[/color] [i]"I'm up, I'm up, I'm... mom?"[/i] As the blurred, hazy darkness finally receded, and Vella could finally begin to make out vague shapes and features in front of her; she realized that it was, in fact, not the face of mom that came into view. Rather, it was the face of a particularly pissed off Aegon, mandibles flaring. Granted, with Aegon, it was actually hard to tell; as the Turian was always pissed off. For all she knew, he could be praising her at the moment, in his own special way. No, that probably wasn't it. She could see people around. She doubted Aegon was the kind of person who'd ever let anyone catch him being nice. [color=ed1c24]" ...'re a soldier. Start acting like it... "[/color] Aegon then stomped off, as Vella was left staring through the air, bleary eyed. It puzzled the Asari why she was also suddenly moving forward, despite not doing anything to make her. And that ornamental fountain with the neat, holographic lights flickering to the sideline was approaching her rather fast. [i] "Hooold on for a moment, inanimate objects shouldn't be able to move!?"[/i] That was, until she realized she was falling! *SPLASH!*" Consciousness suddenly hit her like a wall of ice as the Asari, after having been held up by an angry Aegon while he was shouting at her, suddenly fell headfirst right down into the nearby fountain! After some garbled curses and wild flailing of arms, the Asari pulled herself out of the fountain with a deep gasp! "Gaaaaaahhhhhhh! Thank you, I needed that!" The cold shower had dealt with the worst of the immediate effects of the alcohol, and the world around her was finally becoming clearer. Wiping some water off her face, she threw everyone around a friendly nod, mainly because it was just now that she had become fully aware of them, and reached into her dufflebag to produce a much needed energy drink as she followed after the rest of the group, trying make sense of Aegon's angry babble. * The showdown with Zandar and her goons had been... awkward. Mainly because Vella had been armed with nothing other than a half empty energy drink, her plastic and barely covering outfit that left little to the imagination leaving her looking woefully out of place amidst all the other heavily armored mooks around her. Her weapons and armor were still in the bag, including her Missile Launcher, with the exception of her omni tool and a light shield unit. However, given how many miscellaneous crates and items laid around the dock, Vella felt confident she didn't really need a weapon. She could probably turn dock into a bumper-car arena from hell if it came to it. Not to mention that she was pretty sure she could find some way to weaponize the can in her hand. Granted, the main reason she wasn't worried was because Aegon at point looked so angry, Vella began to wonder if mere bullets could ever put him down - at least not until he had killed every living thing in the vicinity. The showdown did end peacefully however, and together with the drink, had helped Vella recover almost all of her senses at that point; enough for her to fully be able to appreciate their new vessel once shown to it! "Whoaah!" Being an Asari, Vella was quite used to serve on rather sleek and elegant looking ships. However, that did not take that much away from the experience, especially with the ship's close similarities to that of the renowned Commander human spectre's own! Which, in and of itself promised only one thing; adventures to the furthest, most distant places on the galaxy, few regulations(other than Aegon), and a journey in and of itself! [i]"This is everything I ever hoped for!"[/i] Vella failed miserably at containing a huge smile as they toured the ship, being shown from place to place. The amount of Turians on the ship did surprise her, and also acted as a warning that this adventure might be a bit more "by the book" than she had originally hoped for, but it was only a small detriment. When meeting their legal representative, Dessia T'Lorro, Vella couldn't help but lean in to the side and ask. "You're working in the law department? I suppose you don't know Kerlah V'Blaad?" Vella asked, half-only waiting for a response before being dragged away with the rest of the tour group. Kerlah V'Blaad was quite the infamous personality within most courts and bureaucracies, both in Asari space and beyond. A matriarch, fully practiced in law, who had spent most of her younger life in the Vella's division, the Lance of Light. Even though she was now a full judicial practitioner, she had never left her old identity behind. She was also the reason The Lance of Light hadn't lost 40% or more of its personnel to dishonorable discharges, as Kerlah was known to assault any judicial matter with the same fury and intensity as she had faced combat actions in the Lance of Light, and it was said that few could ever weaponize pencils, datapads and lawbooks in the way that she could! She relished the chaos of a good court or intergalactic incident, and it was said she had gotten multiple trials or charges dropped, simply because either side did not want to deal with neither Kerlah's judicial nightmare, nor the inevitable migraines that followed from dealing with her for any prolonged periods of times! In a way, she had gained as much infamy as the Division she was used to protect, and a small boogeyman status in the legal community. Although Vella couldn't be sure, she could have sworn she saw Dessia wince painfully at the mention of Karlah, before she went with the rest of the group. * At the end of the tour, Vella would look thoroughly amazed, though most of her interest had gone to the vehicle and spacecraft bay. She was a little unsure about leaving a Vorcha within 500ft of a military vehicle that was supposed to see any real action, though she reasoned that if the alliance consisted of people like Zander, a Vorcha was perhaps not such a bad choice after all. As the cue was given for them to begin to settle in, however, it was a moment where Vella could not help stop her curiosity, as she looked over at Phalanx. "Soooo... " She began, giving the Geth an odd, long look as she tilted her head quizzically. "How does will a Geth interface with the ship?" She asked with honest curiosity, then glanced over at Talos. "And will our two A.I.s get along? ... we aren't going to experience any sudden merging or singularity like event, are we?"