I'll probably have to figure out who to select once the time comes for the actual RP, [@LostDestiny] - I've been lurking about the Guild long enough to know that once the actual RP starts, there're usually a few people by that time. So, keep an eye out, there may be a chance after all. [@Archmage MC] - I'm saying no, if you mean your character Light. I've read through posts you've made with the character in other RPs, and she seems a bit too overtly powerful and silly for what I'm aiming for. I don't mean to dampen your enthusiasm for the RP; you're free to come up with another character idea for this if you like. I usually stay logged off on Sundays, and as I write this, it's marching toward midnight, so just a heads up that I won't be replying to anything until Monday rolls around. Feel free to continue posting questions, character ideas, and maybe directions you'd like to see the RP go in. See you Monday!