[@Negatomsk] Aw hell. You're breakin' my balls here. I'm starting to feel like Melon. Don't hate me for being such a stiff customer, it already bugs me to act like this. [quote=@Doc Doctor] Gonad's unarmed strikes are of the highest caliber, and taking into consideration the [color=ed1c24]formidable equalization of the Beardforce, this means no foe in this realm or in any other can easily withstand even one direct hit to a vital point, much like how no human mortal may fairly survive a sword through the torso or a mace to the skull, as Gonad's limbs are surely lethal weapons.[/color] The Beardforce is based upon Gonad's perception of an opponent along with the opponent's [color=ed1c24]full latent power[/color], and as such the Beardforce [color=ed1c24]cannot be fooled or bypassed[/color], making it effective against abstract concepts or inanimate objects for so long as Gonad thinks of the thing as a foe or said thing presents a threat. [/quote] The only reason Lobo wouldn't be dead from that one blow is because Gonad wasn't holding his head in place to maximize the force. As it is, it's still a knockout level attack. As you can see above, those details really are in my profile. You would consider Gonad dead if he took Lobo's point blank venomous bomb arrow to the face, yeah? Takes only an instant to set up, sort of like a, uh, headbutt, save for the added bonus of being effective at nearly any range. It'd be wonky if Gonad took that hit straight up and he still "retained the presence of mind" to immediately leapt back to his feet and run down Lobo. I'm not trying to corner you. Well, yes actually, I am to be honest. That's the whole point of this silly game. BUT! I'm moreso encouraging you to understand that physical blows are Gonad's only tool of the trade, and the entire point of his superpower is to enhance those blows so that they are utterly dangerous to every kind of opponent. I'm not trying to autohit you, it's not my place to decide if blows absolutely land, as likely as they may be to do so. That depends on your own skill to somehow handle such a circumstance, though imo, I'd have tried to avoid letting Gonad get within smooching distance to begin with. But, an opinion is only that; an opinion. I may be missing something. As such, let's have [@Drifting Pollen] take a gander. Pretty clear that the effectiveness of the headbutt is a turning point that neither of us would enjoy conceding.