Wow, the concept of this is... amazing! So much thought was put into this. I'm already in love. Normally I make just one character so I can flesh them out, but wow I kinda want to make two. I'll stick with one for now though. [b]Full Name:[/b] [color=#C0C0C0] Aaron Heruscir (Hair-Ooo-Sea-r) [/color] [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] [color=#C0C0C0] Aaron, Curly [/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=#C0C0C0] 15 Years and 11 Months [/color] [b] Gender: [/b] [color=#C0C0C0]Male [/color] [b] Primary: [/b] [color=#C0C0C0]Pyromancy[/color] [b]Student of Pyromancy? [/b] [color=#C0C0C0]is this what you meant by that or..? [/color] [b]Secondaries of Interest [/b] [color=#C0C0C0]Weapon infusement, Blood Magic [/color] [b] Description:[/b] [color=#C0C0C0]Aaron has curled red hair that stretches down his neck, but not past his shoulders. He keeps his bangs relatively short to keep his vision clear. He is moderately tall, reaching about 5'10", and he is built moderately, although he is a bit on the skinny side. His eyes are a light green, His skin is pale, and he has some freckles above his cheeks and nose. Aaron is fairly pale and wears a red robe with black lining into combat, to match his hair and his primary of course. When not in battle he wears his tan tunic and slightly darker leggings with splendor. His tunic is laden with many stains of various drinks and foods, since he doesn't really care about sanitation or other's feelings towards him. He has a small scar at the base of his index finger on his left hand, where he accidentally cut himself. [/color] [b] Personality:[/b] [color=#C0C0C0]Aaron likes to think he's a clever funny guy. He likes to tell horrid jokes, and try to break systems. Not like destroying things, but finding little intricacies to get around various things, like the VPN blocker he has on his phone, which he always carries with him. Aaron is usually upbeat, walking around with a strut in his step, he doesn't like to be serious, it reminds him of the stern family meetings he had when he was younger, and those terrified him! Aaron tries to help anyone in need, both for their sake, and to affirm himself of his skills, as having come from a prodigious family, he always gets nervous when the topic of his mediocre magic comes up. He was also very used to having some maid after his every whim and service, hence his disregard for courtesy and cleanliness. All in all, Aaron seems pretty nasty at first approach, but Aaron likes to believe you'll come to like him after a while. Aaron's scared of letting down his family, and that's what drives him the most above all else. [/color] [b] Skills: [/b] [color=#C0C0C0]Aaron's talents don't compare much to his father, who is deemed by some to be a legend. Aaron does know how to light a candle by snapping his fingers, and he can make his index finger catch on fire, with some pain, but he'll never tell anyone that it took him years to figure it out. He can also hack into certain software, assuming he has his trusty "master drive" A little pink thumb drive he carries in his clothes. it can store 16 Gigs, and has a lot of games and software on it. [/color] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [color=#C0C0C0]Aaron is constantly afraid of being compared weak to other magic users, and constantly tries to seem better than others. His self esteem can be greatly hurt if he's made fun of or embarrassed. Aaron is a terrible swimmer and really can't ride a bike all too well. Despite all this, Aaron holds the Heruscir family name high, and gets aggravated when someone mentions it. Aaron isn't too strong, but he is nimble and quick. Granted, that doesn't help you in arm wrestle. [/color] [b]Brief History:[/b] [color=#C0C0C0]Aaron is the youngest of 4 siblings, and the only boy. He was born to be a successor to his father, and still is to some extent. His oldest sister Minerva was meant to join a defense force, but was kept at home due to her magical might. When he was seven, Aaron was diagnosed with a disease that ravaged his body, making him much more pale, and atrophying his muscles. Aaron took a long time to recover, and by the time he was fit to go outside again, his youngest sister had died. No-body told him why, so he asked one of his closest friends to help investigate. They formed the "Magical Adventurers Searching for Secrets' Or MASS. This group spiraled into a small network of close-knit friends who would always help each other out. When he was thirteen, he developed a crush on a woman from another important family. Aaron told his father and he forbade it. Being an angsty teen, he confessed anyways, and within a day they were a couple. The girl mysteriously vanished a few days later, much to Aaron's dismay. He suspected his father was up to it. MASS worked together, and found out that Aaron's father had indeed bribed the other family to have Aaron be dumped. Aaron was furious, and attacked his father in a rage. His father merely held out his hand and fire flew from his hands, burning Aaron's left arm. He spent weeks recovering and secretly training his pyromancy. Much to his dismay, he couldn't get anything to work! He stayed silent at dinner, and when he was finished eating, would immediately head to his room to start training again. A couple years later, close to his 16th birthday, Aaron was told he was being sent to a new school to hone his magic. Aaron was amazed. he started packing as soon as the words left his mother's mouth. He was ready to best his father. [/color] [b]Other:[/b] [color=#C0C0C0] I can't seem to get the size modifiers working, maybe I'm too new at this? Anyways, I hope the bold will make it better?[/color]