I figure it could be a decent time to get back into this: Name: Soren Uzben Race: Human Appearance: A pale, tired-looking, tall, middle-aged (for those times) man. He wears a citizen's clothes to work instead of his official uniform, and ties his greying brown hair back into a manbun. For all intents and purposes, the rest of him is "average" and has no real note. The one identifying feature is a small, healed scar on his chin. His body language is that of defensive "doneness", and he gives an air of uncaring and frustration at official protocol. Age: 36 Former Profession: Dock manager of the Jewel Shipping Company Skill: Administration, negotiation Personality: Eternally resigned and mildly disappointed (he is described as having a permanent look on his face like if his son decided he wanted to perform in the circus as a full career.) He is calm and almost never emotional about anything: it is a well known fact that he just doesn't care anymore. Generally wants to stay under the radar, but always exploits opportunities to sham duty. History: Soren, who has lived in Kings Knell his entire life, has been a relatively unassuming bureaucrat his entire life. After studying at the King's Administrative College and pursuing a career at the court's labor management organization, he became tired of the low pay and heavy workload that came with government work. Once his contract was up, he found employment at the Jewel Shipping Company that offered a more involved job with a better paycheck. By age 30, he managed the company's shipments in and out of port. It quickly became a depressing job, involving the many accidents and woes that came with a poorly laid-out port, a mismanaged administration, criminal activity, and a company that was quickly going under. Soren found several opportunities to utilize criminal syndicates to help his particular position from becoming completely outsourced. He became dissatisfied with life in the administrative side of things and become more and more embroiled in the drama of the docks. While the Jewel Shipping Company began to owe more and more money, troubles became more and more apparent: Soren learned to fight as the middle-aged manager had to deal with the myriad of illicit factions intruding on his docks. At last, the Jewel Shipping Company completely ran dry on money and was dissolved after his 36th birthday. With no other work, Soren was reached out to by the Guard, who were in need of administrative specialists to assist their new recruitment and growth drive. Personnel and supplies were incoming at a faster rate and they needed someone to manage it. Soren, after haggling for a much higher paycheck than he had at the labor management bureau, agreed. He was sent straight to 22nd Cleaver Street, where the previous adjutant had quit. He now found himself wearing several hats: the adjutant in charge of personnel, the financier in charge of paychecks, the quartermaster in charge of supply, and the armorer in charge of maintaining an aging stockpile of weapons. Faced with this, Soren quickly became frustrated with the ill-equipped nature of the Guard. He struggles to maintain the readiness of the post and often turns to less-than-accepted methods to keep it functioning. Not much is known by higher about Soren's shady dealings: all they know is that, for the most part, 22nd Cleaver Street looks "good-to-go enough" on paper.