[center][h1]Inanna[/h1][/center] [hr] Inanna was confused. He thought his new friend’s name was Brenton, but Andrea called him Justin before they left. Why would they do that…? Oh, well! It probably wasn’t important. Maybe it was to everyone in those police cars (at least, that’s what he thought they were; he wasn’t entirely sure), but he doubted it was anything he needed to know. He decided it would be best to leave, before he got held up. Inanna started on his way, hoping to find a more secluded location to open a portal back to where he was before. [color=darkred][i]Halt,[/i][/color] his inner voice commanded. [color=darkred][i]You would do wise to avoid these streets as much as possible. With our recent encounters and that boy’s injuries, I believe we would only run into more of such trifles if we continue to draw attention. If you cannot use our portals for whatever reason, then I still insist that you tend towards the rooftops as often as possible.[/i][/color] Inanna nodded, smiling, as his irises flashed red for a moment upon their agreement. It felt good when they agreed on something like that. He opened a hole under his feet and reappeared on a nearby rooftop, the rip in space disappearing as fast as it opened as he regained his balance and steadied his footing. The golem stopped to think for a moment, trying to figure out a plan to find the arena. [color=darkred][i]My,[/i][/color] the voice chided. [color=darkred][i]I couldn’t possibly fathom how you would proceed. If only you had employed such a trick to find a different building but minutes before.[/i][/color] Oh! That sounded like a great idea… He opened a portal in front of himself to look down on the city, cold winds escaping from it and beating against his robes. Inanna fought back the feeling of vertigo as he picked out a gold-roofed building in the center of the city. Did he really have that much trouble finding it before? He aimed for a location a small ways away from the building. There was always that chance that he could be a bit off target, after all. He stepped through the gate he had created, and emerged into a somewhat quaint marketplace. The golem felt a bit of nostalgia, and the emotion intertwined with that of his inner voice, the scene each reminding them of their respective homes for reasons they each couldn’t quite place. [color=darkred][i]Perhaps some things never change...[/i][/color] Inanna smiled, though that quickly faded once he noticed how disheveled the various stalls seemed to be. He clutched his staff tightly, hoping that no one would be too inconvenienced by having their stock destroyed like that… He put those thoughts aside incredibly quickly, proceeding towards the arena with a happy bounce in his step. The golem noticed that there was another person headed along the same path as him; a woman with pretty green eyes. He had a lot of questions… maybe she could answer a few of them. “Excuse me!” Inanna chimed with a wave of his free hand. “I think I’m a bit late to see the tournament. Do you know what’s happened so far? I've been looking forward to it for a while, now.” He beamed as he spoke to the lady, the idea that she might have the slightest knowledge of what happened to that marketplace never even crossing his mind. The voice inside of him simply sighed, having given up on attempting to stir up his suspicion for the moment.